Who would want to be associated with a senile, racist, misogynistic, crass, corrupt, criminal TV president, who threatens public health and democracy? Also, Donald Trump is pretty bad, too.
Who would want to be associated with a senile, racist, misogynistic, crass, corrupt, criminal TV president, who threatens public health and democracy? Also, Donald Trump is pretty bad, too.
“The Donald Trump Presidential Foundation has asked the Republican presidential candidate Garrthox the Blood Devourer to stop using the former president’s likeness in his campaign advertisements.”
He looks like he is about to put those weights down, turn a chair around and sit on it backwards and rap with us about peer pressure
Olive Loaf Strong
yet his mind remains fully intact
I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.
Interesting interpretation. Wrong. But interesting. Will someone please think of the white ladies who can't follow the law?!
I feel like even if you explained to Trump that holding the RNC as planned in Charlotte could potentially decapitate the Republican party weeks before Election Day, as party leaders, elected officials, political consultants, hardcore supporters, etc. gather from around the country in a single location in tightly…
Is Trump living in a sealed chamber in the WH? I’ve heard he’s a notorious germaphobe but it’s hard to believe he’s been able to dodge the virus this long.
I did a reverse Becky/Karen today! O yes I did!
But even as his actions, or inaction, consign people to die, even as he behaves exactly how many of us feared and warned a Trump presidency would handle a crisis, it may not matter. I desperately hope I’m wrong.
I'll take anything that keeps that absolute nutter Lara off the airwaves. I mean, I'm proud that a mantis-american has risen to the highest rungs of political society, but she's useless until she beheads and eats Eric.
There is vain and then there is this is self indulgent fat bloated piece of phlegm. For the love of god you putrid, bloated, uneducated useless turd this is no photoshop. You are a physically repulsive piece of shit that has had to pay for every intimate encounter with a woman you’ve ever had. You have no friends and…
The guy that was actively smoking cigars while mocking Michael J. Fox’s disease and saying out how billions of gallon oil spewing into the ocean isn’t that big of a deal got cancer... Hollywood ending.
This was a cynical play on our hero worship of people with cancer as saints. Cancer does not redeem anyone. Cancer is the second leading cause of death, with lung cancer being top amongst the cancers. Cancer is a fact of life, not a saving grace.
Just remember, only guilty people run from screaming men with guns!
Here's a corner office at Gaultier and 750k a year. Keep 'em coming.
You know, for me, I’ve always admired the symmetry of the swastika, and I just thought it would really contrast nicely with the grey of the koala corpse hats.
High fashion cracks me up. Always doing something edgy/offensive in order to distract from the fact that everyone on the runway looks like a complete idiot.