Malacoda, Recumbent on the Burning Sand.

Lol, it’s right there in your name. At least in the Bahamas there is usually a seabreeze and survivable humidity providing slight relief while the sun is grilling you.

From age seven to seventeen I lived in the Bahamas where, according to memory, cicadas and summer seemed more or less synonymous. Had to look it up, but yeah, cicada emergence there is an annual event. They’d scream though the heat of summer days and in the mornings leave trees festooned with molted skins. I actually

One would imagine Jeffrey Epstein exposure makes tycoon flesh less appetizing. Case in point, I would volunteer for hell before I would taste a single nibble of braised Trump cheek. Or jellied Clinton foot.

Re, the aforementioned dead dicks, if only NASA can launch some kind of Hell rover mission (the Goodriddance?) to confirm they are both in it. Imagine the mission videos!

I would read this book on a solo trip to Mars with no other books.

I feel compelled to bow to the expertise of TheFilthyGoat in this particular case.

Republicans will have this stink for a long, long time.

There should be some kind of ´Stand Your Ground’ exception allowing one to tase non mask wearing assholes legal-consequences free. I am only half kidding.

If unapologetic lying was politically disqualifying, there would be no populist right-wing leaders anywhere. Trump would still be grifting/selling ghost-written self-help books off his rich man cosplay.

Conservatives don’t care about or believe in the harm something causes until:

Lol, watching that makes me blush for humanity.

She has racist eyes: fear embiggened, coupled with downturned angry-cartoon brows. Outstanding specimens in the first two photographs. The third picture, I believe, shows her surprise when he responded with intelligible human speech.

Keeping up appearances globally while not offending British racists by untowardly defending Harry and Meghan?

Oh man, I´ve read everything MR James repeatedly over the years. I’m full-on addicted to ye old classic ghost stories. Here’s a really nicely acted 40min 1968 BBC version on YouTube: M R James’ Whistle And I’ll Come To You.

Also why we probably shouldn’t have juries.

Very Nosferatu. I bet he can hear pins dropping on the moon.

He’s trying to buy back some of the support he lost that cost him the election. Cash for adulation. Trump’s motivations have the complexity and nuance of a coin toss.

That’s not thirst. She is wrung past desiccation, hacking-up-spiders-cobwebs-and-dust parched. It’s as if the possibility of losing audience for her poses some existential risk.

From the 0.1 second thought experiment I ran, it is vastly easier running out from under a rat-fall than extracting oneself from a heaving rat-pit. On request, I am willing to show my work.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sometimes the grift calls for a simple fake diploma, other times a complete political realignment.