Malacoda, Recumbent on the Burning Sand.

I had a cicada hang out on a branch about 3ft away from my living room sofa a few years back. That thing was louder than a freaking jet engine. Whatever the loudness limit is on those bugs, that thing surpassed it each evening, starting at about 6pm. I would have to leave my house every evening when it began screaming

Imagine being a 53-year old multi-millionaire crying this much about the culture. Imagine moving through the world and being so very hurt by this stuff. Walking around your giant compound, chartering a private jet, all the staff buzzing around you as they clean your toilet and maintain your pool. Jesus what a fucking

I'm starting to regret letting him microchip me.

“ was all about getting Epstein to connect Gates with powerful people who might be interested in contributing to the Gates Foundation.”

Sexism *is* disrespect. The reason it, like other forms of bigotry, gets singled out is that it carries with it a broader disrespect toward half the human race.

This fucking guy. As Governor of Massachusetts, he punched the clock for four years, taking credit for universal health care in the state thinking it would help his national profile. Then when he found that the goober primary voters didn’t want to hear about health, he said ‘fuck health care, let’s triple Guantanamo

Of course everyone hates him. He looks like the kinda guy that when he was in school would remind the teacher they forgot to assign homework, then smugly go home and have his butler do it for him.

Luckily, this brave man of conscience will persevere is the face of adversity and soldier on in public service for as long as he can get away with it. What a national treasure.

it’s shorthand for a science-denying xenophobic bible thumper. 

I’ve personally seen what Portland has become”

So in your view, people are either woke or far-right? Either liberals or Nazis, no in between?  Sounds like you’re really ignorant.

why the hell are we sharing our personal medical confidentiality for display?”

If her demon father didn’t have the decency to croak when he had it, she’s not going to change any minds. This slobbering orc audience probably will drink bleach or cut themselves in half to let the ultraviolet light in first.

A friend of mine made what I think is a really astute statement. Basically, the gist was that Trump’s followers are in charge now. No politician, not even Trump himself, can sway them as much as their own lumpen collective mentality. Trump is basically Dr. Frankenstein at this point, rather than the leader of a

Right? Especially when you could include a photo of Darius, himself.

You couldn’t find a better picture than one of a lab in which they’re preparing to test things in rabbit’s eyes?  Because that’s what that is. 

People don’t know this, but bald eagles are dicks. They take massive shits wherever they want, and they scavenge trash harder than any seagull I’ve ever seen. The bald eagle is the perfect official bird of the United States.

Another 99-year old man with a variety of serious pulmonary and cardiac issues taken in the prime of his life.


lol good luck with that letter because