Malacoda, Recumbent on the Burning Sand.

Fuck you, you Nazi dixie fuck. If we have to come back down there, like my great-great grandfather did, we aren’t just going to burn the place down, we are going to stay and finally teach you savages civilization.

God don’t like ugly but the social media and Youtube make-up community does.

Thanks, but I refuse to use sarcasm tags.

Yes! I see that by how high they place among the states in education, wages, health....

You’re going to need that

into a thousand years of darkness

Mississippi is known for currently having its shit together. I can see why they wouldn’t want to mess with the formula.

Note to conservative pundits, Fox News Junkies, MAGA Cult members and soulless GOP assholes, when Adderall is trending after the man you all blindly worship has given a “speech” you may want to re-evaluate things. Oh not to mention all the words this bloated sack of shit mispronounced and likely doesn’t know the

Donald Trump doesn’t even respect protected American cultural treasures. Why on earth should anyone think he cares about other countries’ antiquities?

Thirsty boy finds two tall drinks of water.

Based on the victims past behavior, we conclude his actions were consistent with him asking for it.

OK, Bloomber.

What’s John Hinkley up to now? Someone tell the guy that he may still have a chance with Jodie Foster.

Yeah, sometimes blogs have a lean. Welcome to Jezebel. You’re going to have to get your Pete kicks at some other bland blog with no guiding philosophy.

But, but, but he speaks Spanish (sort of). Isn’t that enough to sway Latinx voters to support Buttigieg? He’s literally doing everything he can to get their votes. /s

Phase 2: The Re-Crappening

She’s just creating a self-sustaining economy "get rid of all this shit, buy my shit, get rid of all this shit, buy my shit, etc."

Sorry to bore you. This isn't trivial. And Adam Schiff isn't "mediocre."

I’ve decided I need Rep. “Gym” Jordan’s nuts for my at home speed bag.

Nothing is going to lose Trump the evangelical vote. He could murder Mike Pence live on TV at the Southern Baptist convention and he would still get the evangelical vote. Because white American evangelical Christianity is Trumpism.