Malacoda, Recumbent on the Burning Sand.

I pace back and forth when I talk on the phone. Like literally cannot stand still. It feels like if I’m sitting down when I’m making a phone call I’m going to get the conversation wrong or say the wrong thing so I always get up and walk around/wander around. I recently learned all my coworkers make fun of me for this.

Not totally secret, but just my wife and anyone who stays with us knows:

Can all journalists stop giving mike pence the benefit of the doubt? Like it’s clear he’s either a) as complicit as the rest of the fucking monsters in this administration (who also get too much deference) or b) willfully ignorant. Both are unacceptable. You don’t see any historians defending Hindenburg, why act like

This isn’t analysis because there is nothing to Trump, or to his politics—no room for subtext, no broader strategy beyond whatever seat-of-the-pants pandering is most immediately apparent, nothing but the wheedling and undignified and insatiable vanity that is always right there to see.”

The talking heads are too interesting to be on this list. 

Alright, let me just say this once so everyone knows the truth: just because something is complex and difficult, doesn’t mean it sounds good. I guess what I’m trying to say is that STEELY DAN SUCKS SHIT

I didn’t comment on this, but why would you expect better from me?

“This former President was impeached because...”

Don’t trust anything from that slimy fuck. They just changing narrative because they cannot deny facts. Now it’s - yes that was not advisable, but it does not rise to the level of removal from office. 

+1 anarchist 

Nice, my dark brother 

Alexander Hamilton is the wrong founder to ask. There were a lot of people of the era who feared exactly what is happening — Hamilton wasn’t one of them. That dude’s image has been burnished beyond recognition by the musical. He was as staunch a believer in the possibility of a future American tyrant as anyone of his

Booth, at least, would probably strongly approve of Trump.

1. John Wilkes Booth

C’mon, rage stroke! How is it possible this sedentary tub of Crisco hasn’t keeled over yet? 

Give him some credit. I’m sure he knows exactly what a coup is. Its the place the Colonel keeps the chickens before they end up in his breakfast buckets. 

I’ll bet he pronounces it “coop;” and no one dares to correct him.

Hey everybody - look at this stupid asshole right here!

Waaaaaaaaaaaaa I was fired for being a gargantuan asshole to someone I’m supposed to educate and enrich, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.