Malacoda, Recumbent on the Burning Sand.

Except Pelosi today announced Congress won’t back any trade deals unless the Good Friday Agreement is honored. With Boris Johnson at the helm, and Trump egging him on, I expect Britain is going to trip over Ireland, plant on its face and smash out its teeth.

I read that piece earlier and did an octopul(?)-take at that line. At this rate, with the terrible takes, in a couple of years, mellow nonviolent’ white nationalists will be proliferating like the new hipsters.

I’m going with a threesome between ET, Yoda and Gollum produced a baby.

Duh, admitting it would nullify the hood. May as well wear a name-tag on your robe.

New punks who demand conformity, complete prostration before fascist authority and who enjoy shining cop boots with their tongues.

Wonder what it is with racist dudes hiding behind female anime pictures? I’ve noticed it here (some troll going by Haru-something or other) and in other forums a number of times. Is it some kind of basement virgin wish-fulfillment thing? Maybe it’s tied to that creepy alt-right/incel Asian fetishization inclination?

Carry on with your anonymous stranger race-baiting. All this alt-right wit is too much edge for me.

 So now it’s bigotry to bring up Tawana Brawley?

He or she is right though. Kneejerk racism (you probably consider it commonsense racism) isn’t going to win you any plaudits or respect around here. Just not your kind of people. There are plenty of other sites you could try though, where your bigotry-filled bon mots would be fulsomely appreciated.

Pence isn’t piquant enough to be a vampire, except perhaps one of those rare, repellent, much weaker milk vampires.

Go easy on him, it could be incel related post-masturbation depression has him feeling snappy.

It’s like a psychopaths watering hole.

As far as I can see Fox News is still pretending this didn’t happen, which means aimless herds of MAGAs online without talking points to lean on, forcing them to improvise. And improvising they are. Sputtering anger + vestigial imaginations - Fox News scripts = a lot of anti-UK, anti-muslim (???) noise, psychotic

Cool, cool. I find it curious Splinter hasn’t yet mentioned our BFF’s ambassador advising his London bosses the Hunchback-of-the-White House is a humongous dysfunctioning freakazoid. 

For when you outgrow or grow bored:

For when you outgrow or grow bored:

For when you outgrow or grow bored:

I must confess I did not expect this from the 83-year-old leader of a patriarchal religious sect.

He looks like a pelican wearing a cat.

How about, he lives out a long miserable life behind bars, then just before he dies of natural causes an executioner rushes in and hangs him. Seems fair.