Malacoda, Recumbent on the Burning Sand.

This is all very dangerous territory for a president of the United States

I agree with nearly everything you said.

We need to start vaccinating using chem-trails.

The Administration is just taking a trusty play from the American policing handbook:

They’ll have an epiphany all right, and nominate Ted Nugent, a nonhuman animal, or that Florida guy who was trying to have sex with his tied up alligator.

We can always build a secure oubliette to protect him and our secrets.


Personal statutes of limitations are good stuff. Mine’s twenty-five minutes, after which I absolve myself.

“This is stale news—being recycled by those with personal agendas... Old hat, gone money, spent loot. Some of those grifts happened two, three, four years ago. Eons in bullet time. This Wayne LaPierre is a different man, made up of new blameless cells. Stop trying to tar this new Wayne with things the old Wayne may

Never read all the Tweets, kids

I have reached out to the Trump campaign to see what, exactly, led to Guilfoyle’s joining the team, and what her job will entail.

They’re not sending their best

Someone should represent the interests of militaristic, anti-science, xenophobic execution enthusiasts, who want the world ruled according to ancient texts. Or are you sheeple?

Perhaps he wants to trade in Jr for a newer, nastier model.

Lol, as soon as NY’s 14th district completes that hard rightward swing.

Previously, we used to avoid selling material that may be repurposed to produce nuclear weapons to homicidal despots.

Fiscally conservative is supersecret code for wringing ducats from the poor and other-colored people.

Damn, I take that back, you are truly Invested. You’re like one weapon away from Dylan Roof. I’m willing to bet someone you know has already spoken to cops about you. Talk to a professional, It’s like someone beat you as a child with a gay black woman.

They hate incel-y bigots. One glance at your comment history, cycling between racism, homophobia, and misogyny, suggests if we held you down and shaved you, your scalp is red and says MAGA.
