
I’ve got pretty mixed feelings about this. I really like Dusty. He’s fun, funny, and seemingly well-liked by everyone in the clubhouse. Which is obviously important.

Oh the Wizards certainly aren’t good enough to approach the Naptiontals levels of disappointment yet. But they did manage to lose a game 7 this year so they are trending in that direction.

Being a diehard Caps/Nats fan is easily, EASILY the worst part of my existence. And now the Wizards are becoming a perennial playoff team... God help me.


To the extent that there has been any joy to be found in the NFL this year, it was Aaron Rodgers that delivered it.

I know how you feel. I’ve chosen to vent my frustrations by arguing with Cubs fans on facebook about whether or not Rizzo is an asshole (he’s not, but I’m still happy to make the case). Would certainly be better for my health if I didn’t even watch today, but sadly I don’t have the willpower to stay away.

There* goddammit

I love mocking the Cardinals as much as the next guy, and this is great stuff. But why have their been no articles about Bryce Harper’s heroics last night?? There should have been two posts about the bat flip alone, not to mention his hair.

Bookie: So the Cavs are playing ton—


I can put up with the bad teams, but I can’t stomach Jay Cutler so I’m kinda laying low this year.

So you’re the other Dolphins fan?? I’ve always heard rumors that you were out there but I could never be sure. Greetings, friend!

Kristaps looks like he was the valedictorian at Kevin Durant’s School of Weight Training.

Clearly leading with his shoulder.

She looks like the porn star version of the porn star version of Kelly Clarkson.

Lou is being a free speech impediment.

Hot botany take alert: eggplant is a fruit.

Queso why is he upset about this?

Watching Trump try to President is like watching Jordan try to play baseball.

He looked like the signing of the year in April, and has basically fallen off a cliff since. My issue with him is that he is a liability in every aspect of the game. Lobaton is a nightmare on offense, but at least he is a strong defensive catcher and pitch-framer. Severino doesn’t have many major league ABs under his