
It prevents injury from butter splashback and looks stylish. It's a common workplace safety hazard when you go through 10 pounds of butter a week.

Surely if should be "Chef Burtyardee"?

My family did this for my uncle's funeral. It never occurred to me that people might find this disrespectful, but I know they took pictures because they knew they were never going to see his physical being ever again.

Yes, I liked this piece, and all these "get off my lawn" responses kind of puzzle me. When I attended my uncle's funeral as a child there was a lot of milling around pretending I was bored. In actuality I was trying to hide my sadness. I didn't have any part in the grieving process; I just came home from school one

But it's tasteful you see, unlike all those other popstars because reasons.

Has she taken to browsing r/theredpill by any chance? If she was taken in by their so-terrible-a-child-could-debunk-them arguments, I suspect she's got more problems than MRAs.

I bet those nuggets were 60% water too!

Your avatar suggests you are a bird, but your words suggest you have lots of experience in aviary degustation.

Yes, that gets a little irksome. Same with the humblebragging about getting married for 5 cents at city hall. I also don't get people complaining about people having weddings they can't afford but shitting all over potlucks and other cheaper options because it such a burden to the guest, who must be treated pampered

I think it's pure shit anyway. My eyes are going to the model's face first no matter what they're wearing.

I hope that was her trying to explain the mindset and not what she actually thinks because holy shit.

This dude's comment history is nothing but him complaining about this site and how everyone is so offended. Why he insists on reading it if it's "so exhausting", I don't know.

This was also the face I made.

Don't go to Jezebel's facebook page. There are people screaming about how they have no sympathy because modeling's not a real job (and models r dum and uneducated lol), how this story is so vapid, and that teenage models know what they're getting into (what?). They're so blinded by their hatred of women enjoying one

It seems to be a common thing for MRAs to take the idea that females of the species are generally choosy and it's the males that compete and use that as a justification that it's good and natural to call women who have had many sexual partners "sluts". Because it's science, you see. I have a feeling this is what

Well, there's definitely an unintentional joke in that they think there's some objective definition of "slut". Which I am going to bet is based on some simplistic understanding of sexual selection.

Bill never forgets that inertia is a property of matter.

Ah yes, the ever-popular "Maybe it u who real racist!11!!" counterargument.

I am squarely in petite land, but I have a weird roll of fat in front that makes petite clothes a pain to fit. So my choices are: enough fabric in the front, but the inseam is too long, or digging into my lower half with a perfect inseam. Grump.

More like two thousand and late.