Surely that's true. If we release them all, they'd have the rest of the sea goose-stepping in no time. We can't let that happen.
Surely that's true. If we release them all, they'd have the rest of the sea goose-stepping in no time. We can't let that happen.
I can't tell whether I'm surprised or not surprised that a neckbeard is unaware of this. I guess it depends on how you came to your current situation.
Can I fart on parents with whiny kids? Does that balance out?
But what about the articles!
But racism literally does not exist outside of America plus this is an artistic statement and totally meant as a compliment and what if it were a black girl in white face, did you ever think of that? It's a free country and the French first amendment protects her right to wear whatever she wants and if anyone gets mad…
Actually they can tell where your ancestors originated by doing DNA testing. It's not about race (which totally is a social construct) but about population genetics. They don't use genes that are highly conserved, like those seen in blood types. They use microsatellites, which can absolutely tell you exactly which…
That's not correct. Trans fats are what form when oil is partially hydrogenated — it's an industrial process that makes liquid vegetable oils more heavily saturated (and thus more solid) — Crisco, for instance, is made from hydrogenated oils. (Although I think it no longer contains trans fats.)
Except that you don't get trans fats simply by bringing non-hydrogenated fats and heating them. Nothing in a basic cooking process can turn non-trans fatty acids into trans fatty acids. The process itself involves large amounts of free H2, plus the presence of a metal catalyst (from the list I saw of metals used,…
I'd like Jezebel to interview Oprah instead. I'm sure she would have plenty of insights about women singing in metal bands. Then she could sing a nu-metal cover version of Iron Maiden's 'Phantom of the Opera', only she would call it 'Phantom of the Oprah'.
As a clergywoman in training I agree with Caitlin's assessment of the motivation for this kind of behavior. Funerals are for the family and loved ones of the deceased, to help them mourn and to eventually lead them to a place where they can reconnect with the goodness of life. We live in a time where most teens and…
So they used basic histology to quantify different portions of the nuggets, which is kind of a crappy method to quantify things. Also, this study has no control comparison to regular chicken, which is pretty silly considering that not a single thing they mentioned is something you couldn't find on a piece of chicken.…
1) it is called "getting a booster shots every 10 years to maintain immunity".
So the question seems to be: who should be more embarrassed of the Sharon Osbourne-Jay Leno tryst? Are they both just so equally terrible that it evens out, like some sort of Paris Hilton-Dane Cook lovefest?
Old Order Mennonites and Old Colony Mennonites (I have never heard of them being called Old Colonists before this article. ) are NOT the same thing.
Wow, everyone is jumping on the original poster, but look at gem buried in the comments. What on god's green earth do teenaged boys have to do with the price of tea in China? I raised a boy (now 21), and when he was very small and we saw some random woman feeding her baby in public and he said something about it, I…
They actually are all you. Your personality fractured way back in college so you could work another 6 part time jobs each.