If you ever have a photo or video of you taken where you are nude or in any way shape or form exposed in a way you do not want spread all willy nilly like, your solution is simple.... BECOME A VAMPIRE SO YOU CAN'T BE FILMED
If you ever have a photo or video of you taken where you are nude or in any way shape or form exposed in a way you do not want spread all willy nilly like, your solution is simple.... BECOME A VAMPIRE SO YOU CAN'T BE FILMED
This sounds like one of those "nice" guys. Probably upset he didn't get to see his precious burlesque so he has to call Ginny an attention whore.
This reminds me of people arguing Johnny Depp playing a Native American is no problem because he's supposedly 1/32 Native or something. Like really, do you think he has any idea of what it's like to be a Native person?
My (Indian) last name is only 10 letters and pretty easy to pronounce, I think, but I still get people staring at me blankly. I don't think I could deal with that shit if I were an actor. I wouldn't be surprised if the name is from the advice of an agent or something.
Oh yes, I forgot about Ewa. Thankfully I don't need a 26 band, but I feel really sorry for my tiny ribcage'd sisters.
Wait, which one of those brands carries 26 bands? I know Panache is planning to, but AFAIK a 26 band is a unicorn at this point.
Eagerly awaiting Daily Mail's "Political Correctness gone MAD!" headline.
Unrelated, but once I was searching for a picture of a pair of flats and I came across this website dedicated to chronicling Michelle's (Or "Moochelle," as they put it) so-called "fashion disasters". It was the strangest shit I've ever seen.
I like to call that the Christina Hendricks.
I think it was an observation about YLtedecevoir, not directed at you.
Aaha, holy shit. That turkeybaby.
Anne Geddes needs to do a "babies dressed as meat" series.
It looks like it could fall off at any minute.
Oh man, I remember that. And Breitbart's looks so short and stumpy because he couldn't even be bothered to size his head correctly.
Storks, duh.
Oh what's this? A can of worms marked "spanking"? I think now would be the perfect time to open it!
It's like people who went to medical school yet have no business being doctors. They wrote the tests and memorized the knowledge, but they didn't really understand.
The mother could have found out about it after the fact.
I recently had an online argument with a dude about feminism. When he got tired of the thread he had created he decided to depart by telling his backup buddy "good luck with the feminists who hate men!" No wonder people get "bitter" (i.e. frustrated as hell). I will add this guy ignored most of my arguments to pick on…