
Or punctuation.

This is like the entire side of my fiance's family. Lots of teen pregnancy, kids with multiple fathers, and and deadbeat dads. There's some people who are in their 50s and already great-grandparents. The effect it has on the family dynamic is really obvious.

AC gone mad! What's next, drawing in the muscles properly?

The thought of Chik Fil-A terrorism is amusing. How dare you trample upon my right to hate gay people and eat mediocre fast food by protesting a company, an action that in no way impugns my ability to do either?

Just like some married couples, there's probably some people who think a baby will fix all their relationship problems.

And the water I drink had water molecules that were one in PEE EWWWW!

Don't worry, I'm a young'un and this didn't bother me either. I also didn't give a shit about pink slime. Growing up I got to see real gardening and animal slaughter, so I guess that helps.

His kid sounded like s/he was freaking out too :s.

It looks more like there's some mad photoshopping going on.

I don't understand people who say they have no sympathy for her because she knew what she was getting into. *We* know about crazy Scientology is, but most people think it's a weird, but harmless, religion. We can't know how much she knew beforehand, but the insistence that of course she knew is just weird.

Isn't it more that our country is doing well *despite* his efforts, not because of them? But yeah, I ain't naming my kid Harper.

So Elizabeth Banks's son faces systematic discrimination and hatred? Weeeird.

Sadly, it's been spoiled by Niall Ferguson.

It's that people think the free market anything must be better. Or that anyone who works in the public sector wasn't "good' enough to go into the private sector.

I think a lot of immigrants buy into the idea that if they adopt the mannerisms and ideas of mainstream society, they won't be targets of discrimination. Hence shitting all over minorities, the poor, women, etc. It never really works, of course.

She's practicing that whole "gotta be one of the guys" thing in the worst possible way.

I've never understood why cramming 19 different fruits and vegetables into a glass is supposed to be a good thing. You only need to eat like 2.5 cups a day, and that will make you feel better than 2 cups of what is essentially sugar water.

If being treated like an adult means having someone berate you then I guess I'm not really 23 years old. All they were looking for is respectful meeting, and Vogue couldn't even do that.

Don't forget "correlation is not causation". I call it Neckbeard's Law: When an article about a scientific study is posted, the probability that a commentator will pull out this old chestnut equals one.

I like that you ignored the first half of that sentence: "We are absolute equals in our careers and our home duties...".