
I always insult people who have my genitals in their mouth. It is absolutely not a short-sighted idea. Nope, not at all.

If you use indigo you have two options: one-step or two-step. One-step being mixing your indigo into your prepared henna and applying it. Two-step hennaing your hair then doing the indigo. Whatever method you use you have to be quick: the indigo dye doesn't last long. It needs to be applied right after the indigo

The coffee thing reminds me of the whole "Elevatorgate" scandal in the skeptic community awhile back. People were all like "gawd, can't a guy ask a girl out for coffee without being told he's a creep?". Except they neglected to read that Rebecca was being propositioned for "coffee", alone, in an elevator, at 4 am.

This is going to sound like a dumb question but did you get the stinger out? I used to get stung by wasps as a kid and the first thing my mother would do was take a piece of hair and use it to drag the stinger out. And then I was left to ride out the swelling, lol. But sometimes I would get aloe vera or some crushed

I've always heard her eyes are naturally blue. Is that not actually true?

But it's her duty to look like she did pre-pregnancy. For me! Oh God why won't my penis stay up!!!!!1111!1!

Often I see this type of argument framed around the implication that prisoners are not deserving of good treatment. With all the horror stories we hear about the American prison system *and* retirement homes, I say there's a lot of room to improve both.

Let us be thankful they didn't go the whole hog and make it blackface.

Did you watch the CBC series 8th Fire? It was awesome, but I don't think it got to much exposure.

And if she had worn a bra, they would have called her trashy since it would be visible.

The wild ones are supremely annoying to pick. Not only are they at ground level, they're so tiny you have to be very gentle. And it takes a lot of picking to fill up a basket.

Yeah, if you've ever looked at the time between an ancestor's wedding and the birth of their first child, it's surprisingly often less than 9 months. My fiance's great-grandfather was born about 5 months after his parents wed. From my experience with church records it's also pretty common to find children born to

Worst date EVER.

Oh, I'm a shortie too! I feel Jessica's pain. And of course the fact that she ate buttered pop-tarts once will be used as evidence that she *~~DANGEROUSLY OVERWEIGHT~~*.

First class of the day will be tanning 101.

I thought Jessica Simpson had only gained like 60 pounds? Does she need to lose her skeleton too or something? Jeez.

He sent a shot of estrogen...straight to her heart.

Haha! When we were at the bookstore I dared my fiance to open the second book up. The first thing he sees is a line that goes something like "I was so happy yet sad at the same time".

Doesn't she also blame drunk people who got raped/sexually assulted for bringing it on themselves?

I do a lo of genealogy research, and I come across a *lot* of people who started looking for Native ancestry in their family trees because grandma had "olive skin, high cheekbones, and dark hair". Because every Native person has the exact same skin tone and facial features? If not that, it's that idiotic Indian