
I think the blonde really ages Crystal. :/

I imagine nosehair waxing is only a problem for the tall. There's hardly anyone who can peer up my nose. :P

I think Fair and Lovely has products marketed at guys too. I watched a documentary on this awhile ago; the pressure on guys to be lighter is increasing.

No, but it would be stupid and pointless to have a different model for the facing away shots.

If you look on the website the collection uses the same model. The hair is the same on the model facing away, so it's probably the same one.

He said it without quotation marks, and it's not a word he is in any position to reclaim (yes I know the whole nigger/nigga debate). So I don't see why he should get a pass just because it was aimed at no one in particular.

Arguing that calling someone "faggot" is okay because you don't mean it as "homosexual" is really missing the point. The only reason it works as an insult or pejorative is because gayness is seen as a negative character trait. Using the word in its second negative sense still enforces that idea. I also don't see why

General Butt Naked did that before it was cool.

In the picture above raisin bran gets the same grade. That shit has waaay more sugar per serving than people realize.

I don't buy the hate for Paula on this one, because her food is so over the top fatty. If anything that makes it easy to say "I probably shouldn't eat this every day/at all". It's the stealth junk put out by most TV chefs that's harder to detect. I remember a few years ago a Gordon Ramsay cookbook aimed at home cooks

Wait, so a guy in your lab killed someone by accident? I hope he's in jail because O_O.

Women, being barefoot and frequently pregnant, are often unable to pick themselves up by their bootstraps.

Don't get pissy when someone answers why appendix removal isn't a product of modern medicine.

I plan to carry my children by biting down on the napes of their necks, much like dogs do. It's natural!

The first recorded appendectomy was done in 1735.

Plus it's only sterile while it's leaving your body. Not when your pee puddle has been festering in the sun for 4 days.

As I understand it, pumping can kind of be a pain and it doesn't always work well.

Whitney's death was totally overdosey.

Made up by the poster, meaning all the redditors involved in this exchange are her sockpuppets? The winning human beings on r/mensrights is obsessed with this. OBSESSED.