
I'd say the preservation (and encouragement) of this shit under the guise of "free speech" makes reddit a little different. I mean, I don't even use the website. But I wandered there one day and it took only a little casual browsing to find terrible racist jokes, sexism, etc.

I'm a professional spermjacker. Such amateur technique displayed here. You wait until the man is asleep *then* you fish the condom out of the trash. Using this technique I have mothered 14 babies from 14 different men. I collect $400,000 annually in child support, which I use to go on shopping trips to Europe. Follow

My great-grandmother had her first kid at 13....I was doomed from the start. The first 9 years of my life were spent in the developing world, then I moved to Canada. Shortly thereafter, my body started changing. I've always wondered how much earlier I would have gone through puberty if I grew up here.

Yes, exactly. If the Kardashians are such shrewd publicists why (and how) would they essentially trick someone into a contract? I'm sure there are laws to deal with this type of situation anyway.

I, too, believe that the hot dogs go on.

Don't see anything wrong with Gaga's body.

I laughed when he made those chicken nuggets and those kids ate that shit up. If anything they were healthier than your typical fast food fare so I have no idea what he was trying to prove.

If she went she'd probably come away thinking the people need to be introduced to Jesus. I mean she loves Jesus and he's* provided for her, right?

But we still need to be careful with this line of thinking. So lies the path of snake oil salemen and other charlatans. It's not worth feeling good if you're being conned.

I remember when I took it, there was an essay question on hockey. Thank goodness there were other options because I didn't (and still don't) know anything about hockey.

Lately I've noticed these conversations about labelling people racist/sexist/whatever always include some whiny "but it's my freedom of speeeech" argument. What does protection from government censorship have to do with being told your opinions are shitty?

(I don't know too much about diabetes). How would the sugar in their blood burn off if it can't get into cells to be used? If you have abnormal insulin production and response, and insulin promotes glucose uptake, it seems to me like blood sugar levels will remain high unless you take insulin. Plus, one of the ways to

That second model is like DAMN. I'm totally jealous.

Geraldo, stop concern trolling. Both you and I know the hoodie is a thinly-veiled excuse.

I hate those type of people. Unsurprisingly, they also tend to be the same people who whine about political correctness.

Pretty sure not serious. The second-last line gives it away.

If she was so concerned about her child's food choices, she shouldn't have taken her to Starbucks in the first place. Lack of self-awareness indeed.

My parents and relatives would always shame me for being fat (I wasn't)- then constantly shove food in my face. Guess who actually became fat, depressed, and developed disordered eating habits?

I get this sometimes, *and* exploding head syndrome. But my brain is uncreative and I have no cool dreams to go along with it. :(

Hey, another member of the white shorts club! I got mine wearing said shorts while on vacation at my grandparent's house. EVERYBODY KNEW.