Maj. Malfunction

This is why we don’t put fanboys in charge.

One major critique of the Marvel franchise, for example, is that it lacks stakes

Everyone: the quicker you accept that they’re going to kill Lando off, the easier it’ll be when it happens. 

Just wanted to say that I am so sorry and thank you for sharing this. 

My heart stopped reading this, holy fucking shit. My girlfriend and I have a 10 month old daughter and the thought of anything happening to her (let alone from someone in the family) is literally the worst feeling I have ever felt. Thank you for posting this, and I hope that your family can move past this.

Holy shit. 

Damn. My heart goes out to you and your family. I honestly don’t know if there could have been a less heart-rending resolution to all of this.

From context I believe they recorded a conversation on an open (“hot”) line. Presumably to either get him to incriminate himself or to have him make a statement that might later contradict a different statement and catch him in a lie.


I’ve worked in law enforcement for 20 years. Sadly, many parents aren’t like you.  For what it is worth, great job. You took action immediately. This isn’t your fault, or hers.  I’m so sorry. 

Thanks for sharing this, I’m sure most of us would have no idea what to do if this happened to us or a family member.

Its because the writer of this article got him confused with Colins Doctor — largely due to not knowing what he is talking about.

But, with a show aspiring to nearly twice the age of the author of the article, you cant really blaim him.

Okay, so I’m not crazy! It wasn’t until the revival that I got any notion that fans didn’t like Seven. When I was a kid, me and my friends thought he was our second favorite after Four, and Ace was absolutely our favorite companion (I think Ace is *still* my favorite companion).

No kidding. I actually thought Capaldi made a damn good Doctor and Clara was a decent companion, but the writing was so awful I couldn’t stand it. After Kill the Moon I was done. I haven’t watched an episode since, and no one can talk me into it. I gave them their chances. I’d quit before after the first season with

Same thing that happened to 12, my other favorite Doctor.

Don’t make me time-travel you! I know where your great-great-great grandma lived!

It’s what I did.

It’s what I would do.

Near-immortal and time traveler. One of his favorite tricks was to go back after the adventure had ended and set up all the things that he conveniently used to defeat his enemies.

Cartmel was script editor, not showrunner.