Maj. Malfunction

Same for me with the Helmet Catch. On the G-man put an end to 18-0, I pretty much had everything I ever needed out of the NFL.

In a way, isn’t EVERY blog for people who are not fans of the Houston Texans?

Turns out it is easy, being sleazy.

Technically every filmed story lacks stakes since it’s really just actors standing in front of cameras. The only real stakes are whether the given film will boost or hurt their respective careers.

I didn’t quit, but I don’t blame anyone who did. That was a terrible, terrible piece of TV. I know we have to suspend disbelief and accept some dodgy science, but that didn’t just push the envelope, it tore up the envelope and killed off all the mail carriers, too.

It’s a bit fuzzy because while you’re technically correct, in practice there were periods where the script editor had more power than you’d expect. Especially under JNT, who wasn’t much of a storyteller, and knew it.

Romana I, Liz Shaw and Sarah Jane.

I remember reading that McCoy’s Doctor was often rated the favorite doctor during the hiatus in the ‘90s and early 2000s, so I don’t know about him having “a bit of a bad rap.”

I don’t understand, I didn’t see Dr. McCoy anywhere in that trailer.

Sounds to me like he’s out, but contractually forbidden from saying so, so he has to dance around the issue.

Wait, are you saying that Rian Johnson should be killed?

I think it’s the reverse, they want ABC to be more Fox-like. It’s akin to when they bought Pixar because their own animation team couldn’t compete anymore.

As long as it contains the line “I don’t leak, you leak!”

“Yes, remember my little meatlings, it is heroic when a superior metallic lifeform destroys an abundance of fleshy nothings. Prepare for your robot overlords!”

They should treat him with homeopathy. Take some carbonated water, then dilute it with regular water, then dilute it about 40 more times, and then feed him the water, and the space in the water where the bubbles used to be will draw his bubbles out.

My DVD/Blu-Ray collection got out of control, with the amount of space it took up. I sold most of it off and now prefer to buy only digital versions. Saves a lot of physical space. Makes moving easier.

The only time I like the odor of a cigar is when I can just barely detect that someone 100 yards away is smoking one.

I thought half the reason to be a dad was to scare/traumatize your child? That’s definitely how my dad treated it.

Counter-counter-counterpoint: We are a garbage species, and if Skynet wants to take us out, it’s only what we deserve.

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