Maj. Malfunction

No. Too much competition.

What Drew said the other day is soooo true. The way to really not give a fuck about the NFL anymore is to have your team win it all.

Most of the fan letters in WYTS are pretty repetitive throughout the teams- the owner is an out-of-touch old billionaire, the team drafted poorly, there’s a bunch of racist fans, blah blah blah... - but damned if Jed’s letter at the end make for one hell of a coda. That is an amazing story, and the first time I’ve

I’m pretty sure John Elway’s strategy for drafting quarterbacks involves finding the ones with the whitest names possible and not giving a shit if they’re actually good at football. We ended up with a Brock, Paxton, Chad, Trevor, and Zac

My star goes to Donnie and his concise minimalist poetry:

Drew fixed it. COWARD.

Wrong, our owner no longer has the cognitive ability to be a racist asshole.

I remember when Elway went super petty and dove into twitter history to try and blast people who called his drafting of Siemean stupid.  After the guys first two and only good starts.  You had a pro football president/GM dragging up year old tweets from 25 follower randos to try and make them seem stupid.  And those

every other deluded dickface in this town who thinks “there’s a reason God made sunsets orange and blue.”

It is and I live there now.

I’m pretty sure that the Denver Broncos and the Houston Texans are the same team at this point.

Wow, Igor. This was gold.

For similar reasons, the Trump administration will soon be cracking down on commercials depicting Chester Cheeta.

Though unintentional, this line still being hereBut many, many more people are NOT fans of the Houston Texans.” is hilarious nonetheless

A wizard’s t-shirt is never too big, nor is it too small. He arrives wearing precisely what he means to.

I fully expect that if Trump’s tweets were to actually get him in any trouble, he would vehemently deny that he ever had any control over the account, and even if he did control the account, he was just kidding, and even if he wasn’t kidding, they were just words and words can’t hurt people, and even if they did hurt

Maybe they should provide grief counseling to the fans after unceremoniously firing one of its most beloved creators.

Precisely. The stakes are about the characters’ journeys. A movie where no one dies—where no one is even in danger of dying—can have very high stakes.

If the only thing you find dramatic is permanent character death, I have no interest in talking to you.