Maj. Malfunction

Seven was the first doctor I watched when I was a kid, so he will always be ‘my doctor’ in a way. I agree about the era being underrated. It is often remembered for a couple of bad stories, and being the end of the classic era, but it also made some storytelling advances that hadn’t been done in the show before, that

I always liked Sylvester McCoy’s Doctor. He had a ruthless aspect that worked well with his long lifespan. You got the idea that he had no problem with setting plans that would take centuries to come to fruition, just as a near-immortal would likely do. Glad he’s getting some love!

He’s with Gandalf on a mission to destroy the last Horcrux in Narnia

Ehrenreich looked decent in that brief shot, but his voice is all wrong.

Let’s see tomorrow.

Real trailer needs to include Han saying something that convinces me he can do a decent Harrison Ford voice and the same goes for Lando.

Maybe it’s trailer magic but that looked fucking amazing.

A shame the two leads can’t act.

I want her to divorce him while in office; cable news would go insane.

And this... ‘she was told that being abused was a sin’. On top of everything else, fuck every single little bit of this.  

I didn’t think it was possible for this to be more upsetting. Every detail I read, every article that provides more information...I get more and more revolted. Now we see how even the kids’ friends are on Nassar’s side. God...

After she opened up to a friend while attending a Lutheran school, she was told that being abused was a sin, and she attempted suicide.

if there is any justice in this world, countless people will fall for this travesty. coaches, administrators, trophy parents - all enabled this shit for years and should be held accountable.

Everyone’s free to love or hate any movie for any reason. I’ve seen some cogent arguments against Star Wars as a whole, even though I love the series. What baffles me is the hatred toward TLJ. It’s just entertainment, save your wrath for drug dealers or embezzlers or people who think Kirk is better than Picard.

Liman: We’re not going to do a cynical, cash-grab sequel just do to a sequel

This is one of those times when I’m not surprised. Aziz has always had a weird vibe.

No this site is rage bait trash now


AV Club back in the day used to get 2k on the regular. This is impressive, though, they haven’t been here in a long time.