Maj. Malfunction

The fact that you KNOW you shouldn’t be president makes you more qualified than Trump. Sorry, you just became the GOP nominee. I’ve got Paul Ryan on the line for you to discuss VP options.

Or better yet, he goes full-on, hardcore unrepentant racist, misogynist, homophobe, spewing every slur and epithet that he can think of, live on national TV.

Would you extend this scenario to state that anyone who has expressed a pro-choice or pro-abortion viewpoint is inciting murder? I’m asking for a friend because I’ve personally never expressed any particular thoughts on the issue ...

Long-dead people are fair game.

Not, you are not the only one, and his track record supports that impression. He was sued because his apartment housing developments wouldn’t rent to black people.

Well, she’s the one who chose to mix her genes with Fred Trump’s, she should’ve expected a bad result ...

He really believes he’s the expert on every topic and doesn’t need to consult anyone ... unless he gets caught in an overt lie or untruth or self-contradiction, and then suddenly he’s claiming that he doesn’t know anything about the topic.

Counterpoint: Donald’s mother should’ve been punished for NOT having an abortion.

It would be something to see someone write, direct and star in a big-budget superhero movie. Even if the movie came out less than great, it would still be a notable accomplishment.

Now that Batman has vanquished Superman, I’m looking forward to seeing who he’ll face in November after the big Iron Man vs. Captain America battle in May. I mean, the primaries are great and all, but the general election is the most important of all.

I salute you for singling out “The Doomsday Machine” for praise. One of the few that I love as much as an adult as I did as a kid.

Awww, where are the comments explaining that Tyronn Lue is the head coach? I even checked the grays. I wanted to laugh at the stupid. Maybe cross-post this to Gawker and then the ninnies will come running to correct this egregious error?

As many commenters have told me over the years, even a single misplaced comma totally invalidates one’s entire point, not to mention any point made in the future.

Apparently most people my age weren’t aware of this show, and they don’t believe that it ever existed when I mention it.

If you don’t like Singer, then which one is the good one? Deadpool? First Class?

I think you’ve just hit on an amazing idea. Instead of rooting out corruption, which is obviously impossible, let’s just get everyone in America in on the scheme! Once we’re ALL part of the military-industrial complex, we can all laugh together at all the schmoes who don’t know what we’re up to!

CBS wouldn’t let me save my bracket until it was complete. It was annoying because I didn’t want to sit there and do the whole thing in one sitting.

Why, so we can rescue him again?

The most secure password known to mankind, and the Great Old Ones.

Lovecraft? I thought it was Thai for “You will live a long and happy life”! That’s what the tattoo artist said!