Maj. Malfunction

I’m just going to throw this idea out there ....

I don’t like birds as pets, with the exception of yours. Your bird is OK by me.

At least there’s one thing that we and the God squad can agree upon.

Every day that she goes unpunched is a testament to your sterling moral fiber. I salute you, it is hard to resist the urge when confronted by those who so richly deserve it.

Those of us who grew up with tech shouldn’t be so judgemental toward those who didn’t. This is truly alien stuff for a lot of folks over 60. There are some who’ve totally embraced it, I’m sure there are 90-year-olds coding right now, but for many this is something they’re never going to be comfortable with.

Well that was the whole crux of the episode, his crewmates thought he was imagining things, but he was ultimately proven correct. He even [spoilers] managed to “interact” with others who had been lost in a transporter accident and rescue them, though the actual mechanics of his interactions were depicted in a way that

Gadzooks, a headline on the Internet that’s actually an understatement!

Well yeah, saucers are round. If it had a point it’d be a cone or a triangle or some such shape.

It all makes sense once you add a Heisenberg Compensator, whatever the heck that does.

Wow, this new and interesting piece of information will have a dramatic effect on my thoughts and worldview. I am now a more complete person.

Also, any scene where Barclay is having a breakdown or whining to Troi. Which is most of his scenes.

Allen is the non-union equivalent of Shatner. I expect him to star in “PJ Tooker” next, and then “Providence Legal.”

Yeah, implausible as it seems, I think this is what the makers of the show always intended. But in real-world physics it’s a problematic scenario.

The hardcore Trekkers (don’t call ’em Trekkies!) would try to claim that it’s all consistent if you know all the background. It’s only our lack of study of all the Star Trek apocrypha that keeps us from seeing how it all lines up.

What if sleep is the same deal? Maybe every night when I nod off, my consciousness actually ceases to exist, and then when I awake in the morning my inner monologue belongs to an entirely new being who just happens to inhabit the same body and have the exact same memories, prejudices, etc. How would you disprove that

It could be a trick of the mind, but I’m pretty sure the episode intended to give the opposite impression. But it’s such a poorly written episode that it doesn’t clear things up, just muddies the waters.

For years I’ve thought that the movie “The Prestige” is a very subtle indictment of the Star Trek transporter. You have to be looking for it to see it.

Your thinking is sound, but then the Riker clone episode is directly contradicted by the “Barkley is afraid of the transporter” episode where he is depicted as conscious throughout the process of being transported. When I mentioned this in another thread recently, someone replied that the person’s constituent

One tends to decline over time, and the other is just a flat line at zero.