Maj. Malfunction

Is Kif a Bothan? That would explain a lot.

You’re right that we can’t be certain, but I’m not aware of any evidence that they have already done so. I feel like that’s something that Apple would be on the lookout for.

Because Tim Cook is giving interviews about it?

You really should be an approved commenter on this site and not stuck in the grays.

Countries like China have massive teams of state-employed hackers eager to take advantage of any vulnerability. If they crack iOS and subsequently share that with one of their close allies ... say, Pakistan ... it’s only a matter of when, not if, that ability gets passed on to even more unsavory actors.

This is a rare dispute where it’s really hard to predict the outcome. I doubt Apple would take this stance unless they felt pretty sure they could win in court, but on the other hand, the FBI has a track record in the past 15 years of getting their way on this sort of thing. I wouldn’t want to put a wager on either

Oh noes, I’ve been pwned.

Totally a leet haxor.

“I didn’t understand what it was like to be a Syrian refugee until I accidentally locked my keys in my car.”

If you like Kate Boseworth, wait until you see the work of Katee Boseworthe! Not to be confused with Kaete Boeswoerth, of course.

True fact: You can power a TIE Fighter’s engine on as little as 15 Bothans a day, vs. up to 45 Sollustans or 30 Wookiees. Of course it only takes one Hutt to power a TIE Fighter for a month, but the pilots refused to fly due to the resulting smell and fumes.

And they’re all on the verge of retirement.

Nothing greases the engines of war like a thin layer of Bothan corpses!

I guess they were always a constituency in search of a leader, rather than a whole new audience that coalesced around Donald.

And who would YOU send to steal the info on Death Star II? The same people who successfully stole the info on Death Star I, or some new, inexperienced band of idjits who’ve never even stolen any Death Star plans!

I’ll say this for Zach Snyder: He knows how to slap together enough tantalizing footage to make for a decent trailer. Or the way he makes crappy movies lends itself to good trailers. Whatever the case, 300, Sucker Punch, Watchmen and Man of Steel all appeared from the trailers like they’d be good movies. But I hate

In the director’s cut, instead of a force field, it’s a rancor stomping on each Bothan as he passes through the door. After 45 minutes the rancor gets tired and lies down to take a nap.

Well it’s a prequel in the sense that it takes place earlier in the chronology, but it does (hopefully) avoid the Achilles’ heel of most prequels in that we won’t go in already knowing the fates of most of the characters. We can probably expect that they’ll succeed in getting the Death Star plans, though.

There’s a fixed camera pointing at a doorway. On the other side of the doorway is an invisible field that incinerates any matter that comes into contact with it. An entire brigade of Bothans has been commanded to take the hallway on the other side of that doorway at any cost.

I think Trump’s campaign success thus far is the embodiment of exactly what you’re describing. “Make America Great Again” is just code for “Make America White Again.”