Maj. Malfunction

The problem is that he’s giving them permission to be overt instead of covert in their hate, and they’re finding their fellow hate-mongers and banding together. The hate-based coalition is being unified in a way it hasn’t been in a long time, and they intend to use that unity to change the world.

The mindset that justified slavery in the first place – the idea that they were a lesser “breed” – is still in effect in a large percentage of the white population. They’ve learned to reflexively say “slavery was bad” because they’ve been trained that doing so it part of living in polite society, but they don’t really

Just for laughs, he should show up one day in a Dodge Neon or a Saturn Vue or some other discontinued clunker. Just imagine what it’d do for the resale value! Almost as good as if Jon Voight had once owned it.

Curious to hear if his fellow survivors agree with his stance, or if they’re content to let him speak for them all.

This is called “vetting” and it has to be done with anyone who has a legitimate chance of winning the presidency. Trump is the frontrunner on the GOP side.

So .... does every Mets-related story automatically get a LOLMets tag now, or are we seriously supposed to see this as another instance of the Mets being a joke? Not trying to snark, I actually want to know which it is.

Anything can be a toxin, and toxic, in certain circumstances.

They look like they’re not really *on* his face, just near his face.

Interesting perspective. That would mean his pre-existing opinion of Holtzclaw was completely unaltered by the fact that the man was exposed as a disgusting rapist. It’s frightening to think that anyone can have that level of hero worship.

The key to a good apology all ties back to this starting point — you have to actually be sorry for what you did. If you’re lacking that element, you’re already wasting everyone’s time.

There are mistakes, and then there’s committing a series of mistakes that illuminate a deep character flaw. Jeff Arnold committed a series of grave mistakes in the course of writing that piece. It takes more than an apology to make up for that, it requires a wholesale change in one’s outlook and entirely new

For many, football is a religion. You do not question your religious idols.

Every writer needs a good editor to save their ass now and then. But Jeff Arnold does not need an editor, because he needs to not be a writer anymore.

Even great writers have blind spots and are capable of turning in utter dreck now and then (BTW, Jeff Arnold is not even a good writer. He is crap). It’s up to editors to show good judgement and save writers from themselves. So while Arnold deserves a great deal of blame here, yes, the editors deserve even more.

I made a dumb comment on a Jezebel piece a week ago and I put more effort into my apologies than Arnold did.

This is why the debacle of the Patrick Kane investigation is so infuriating. We’ll never know who lied. Either Kane needs to be in jail, or he needs to be fully exonerated. But because the investigators botched it, neither can happen.

in those sunglasses?

Cruz: I am the most Bible. I am more Bible than anyone.

“Greedy, fraudulent, dishonest, arrogant” is what he should’ve gone for.

Yeah, I do worry that when push comes to shove I won’t be able to do it, either. That would be a stain on my soul even if I believed it was for the good of the country.