Maj. Malfunction

I’ve had interviewees not only ask this question, but get upset that they aren’t getting an immediate offer. I’ve had to say, “We literally do not make offers after the initial interview, ever, to anybody,” and still they clearly didn’t believe me.

I was deliberately making myself the butt of the joke as a stealth way of making a complete non sequitur joke.

Clearly, some of the guys who go into policing are there specifically for the opportunity to kill someone legally. The evidence speaks for itself.

Yeah, if the whole reason you’re there is to prevent a death, and you instead cause it, that’s almost beyond failure.

I’ll take your limited English over her voluminous “English.”

Bananas ... how ... plebian. So mundane.

“Congratulations, you are the last human. You win.”

Gotta get the “toxins” out. Whatever those are ...

... if I had skipped lunch that day, and was planning to eat leftovers for dinner.

Yeah, OK, keep trying to cover up the fact that you don’t understand scores. The team that scores more points is the winner, except in golf, where more points is bad, unless you’re playing with the Modified Stableford Scoring System, in which case scoring more points is good again, unless you’re playing against a

Estrogen is Bestrogen?

The writing is poor, the pacing is off, the villain is terrible. I don’t care, I love it anyway.

I was really optimistic that the film adaptation would correct the errors made in the third book. It .... did not. If anything, they doubled down on all the elements that made me hate that book.

Whoa. Truth.

Cool! Did you get that at the Tiny Fist Store? I’ve been waiting for New Podunk, West Dakota, to get one of those shops.

Typical muslin, trying to sieve the world.

You and I are still surprised because if we opened our minds to how truly terrible human beings can be, and often are, we literally would be unable to function. The only way to get through the day without collapsing into rage-tears is to self-impose a light veil of denial. Fortunately our brains do this automatically.

Sorry, I need all the toasters. Keep buying them tho.

Well darn. I guess I always knew it would end this way.

I feel like it would be unsettling to stand on a world with no sky, just the inky blackness of space overhead.