Maj. Malfunction

At this point I think the show needs to kill Rick. He’s not adding much anymore, we really don’t need any more windows into his though process or his struggles with leadership. And it would definitely counteract the hardcore plot armor that the main leads are all wearing in recent seasons.

I think it was more that he’s afraid of what the reaction would be if/when they do kill her.

If Donald Trump is Vanity in human form, then Mike Huckabee is Hatred personified. The surprise is that Vanity is winning this year.

Careful, don’t get too angry, high blood pressure might not be good for that fetus that might magically appear in your womb at any moment.

You know there’s a website somewhere that has a comment that’s word-for-word identical to yours ... except your evil twin poster wasn’t being sarcastic.

Good news! You can quit drinking today, and again tomorrow, and every day for the rest of your life! I’ve quit drinking loads of times.

The warning has just a hint of the mentality that considers all women of childbearing age to be “pre-pregnant.” There’s already a substantial portion of the population that sees women as walking incubators, and I worry that this could encourage that thinking.

I think he’s a little cynical, and sometimes he even admits that he gets too negative. But I think he’s still rooting for Microsoft to do well.

Accusing the author of taking money from whomever they’re covering is the easiest and most meaningless way to attack someone’s writing.

Universal apps are definitely a good idea, I just think that it’s too little, too late.

I will say that I really WANT you to be right. Whether it’s Microsoft or not, the market desperately needs a third option to iPhone and Android.

What’s sad is that they were actually about a decade ahead of iPhone and Android. But they never quite nailed the old Windows Mobile platform, then killed it off entirely and started over with Windows Phone 7.

Yes the Surface line is very profitable, and I have one and I use it every day. It’s probably the coolest piece of technology I’ve ever owned. If someone offered me an iPad Pro, straight up, in exchange for my Surface Pro 3, I’d laugh and politely decline. Yet Apple sold more iPad Pro models than the entire Surface

They seriously should spin off Yahoo Sports to be its own thing. There are still some good writers there, though not as many as there used to be. But because Mayer has dictated that changes to the Yahoo homepage must be filtered to the Sports section, the interface is a disaster.

You’re funny.

This must be why they’re letting their phone division wither and die. They figure, “this is the next big thing, so let’s win that battle and concede that we lost the last one.”

Oh good, at least I can still laugh at those idiots. They’re mostly harmless.

I wonder if any of these morally decrepit assholes ever have brief moments of clarity where they realize they’re full of shit. If so, they probably just down a half dozen ludes and check their stock portfolios to wash away any cognitive dissonance.

I don’t dare. I’m as afraid of anti-vaxxer contagion as I am of any traditional infectious disease.

I know the comment you’re talking about. The responses on that article shredded the little remaining faith in humanity I was still clinging to. And some of the weirdest ones were claiming to be pro-choice ...