Maj. Malfunction

A Duggar on birth control! It really is true that every cloud has a silver lining.

And why can’t you see any stars in the moon landing photos? Kinda makes you think.

People who say we should be grateful for suffering usually haven’t experienced much of it. They really should, they’d probably change their tune.

People who think that way clearly haven’t experienced enough pain. And I don’t say that because I wish them pain (although I do), I say that because they obviously don’t understand what actual human anguish feels like.

Oh god, you’re right, Zika conspiracy theories are coming.

You’re absolutely correct. Some South American countries (such as Bolivia) currently have leaders who were elected in a populist wave. If a large percentage of the population starts to clamor for abortion rights, there’s a good chance they’ll get it.

Almost all leads in procedurals have virtually impenetrable plot armor anyway, might as well make it literal. I hate it when a show pretends that Dr. House or Agent Mulder might actually die in some random midseason episode. Better to dispense with that blind alley entirely and explore other dramatic opportunities.

If io9 was a stool, its three legs would be recaps, spoilers and rumors. There’s a lot of other stuff io9 does that I love, but remove one of those legs and the whole enterprise starts to fall apart.

Jeremy Davies as a papparazzo who suddenly develops a conscience is a premise I would watch on its own. I went from letting this play in the background to actually watching the show when he popped up.

I think Bromley will be fine, but the rest of your point stands. Looks like he’s well on his way to being completely cleared.

Exactly. Bromley will be fine, his name will be cleared, if the latest details are proven to be true. But the next time a woman accuses an athlete of rape, many will assume it’s another case like this one.

Beef, chicken, pork. Yawn.

That will require study to know for sure, but I would expect that long-term there wouldn’t be any viral particles remaining the mother’s bloodstream, and thus pregnancy becomes safe again after a certain period. Typically your immune system will wipe out the remnants of a defeated virus, unless a reservoir of it can

Most people will not be exposed to Zika. Of those who are, not many will exhibit symptoms. Of those who do, most will experience a mildly unpleasant illness and then be fine.

Is this an adult person? Does she drive a car? When she hears a car horn does she think aliens are invading the earth?

Thank you for bringing some medical knowledge to this discussion.

You’re right as far as what’s best for the character, but the flip side is that when Ray was introduced, every character on Arrow was way too dark, so he was a nice way to introduce some light. Since then they’ve taken the prudent step of lightening up on some of the other characters, which is making the show much

If Mulder and Scully visit Stars Hollow, it’s to investigate Kirk, right?

Thank god for you ... I was starting to think I was the crazy one ...

They should’ve hired Vince Gilligan or some other up-and-comer to take over as show-runner after season 7. Could’ve reinvigorated it, instead of giving us the weak sauce that it turned into.