Maj. Malfunction

But you’re dealing in hypotheticals that have no bearing on today’s world. Suppose someday the technology exists to safely harvest each sperm cell and unfertilized ovum from each person on earth? Using your logic, every person would be obliged (men especially, since the production of sperm never stops) to become a

I think I get what you’re saying, and there’s a lot that makes sense. When I come out hard in favor of abortion access, I’m not really arguing against someone with your perspective, anyway. In a time when abortion rights are under siege in the U.S., and access to abortion is minimal in many nations, even in countries

Seeing moral ambiguity is fine. What I have a problem with is people insinuating that abortion is in the same category as murder, torture and war crimes.

I’m sure in your instance abortion absolutely was a necessary evil, just as every big choice a person makes has the potential to be. For instance, putting your ailing, elderly parents in hospice can be a necessary evil, but hospice itself is a necessary good. It’s the same with abortion.

If I recall correctly, Carter hinted strongly that he was just as done with the show as Duchovny after season 7, but Fox execs strong-armed him into continuing it. Kind of an anti-Firefly situation.

Obviously that episode was written and produced by people who’d read about video games, but never actually played anything more advanced than Pac-Man.

Is Teso Dos Bichos the one where they get savaged by a stuffed housecat that looked like it’d been retrieved from a claw machine right before the episode started filming?

I don’t think you’re as pro-choice as you think you are.

I think what you hope is that these exceptions become a lever that leads to eliminating the bans entirely. If you keep coming up with good reasons to let people ignore the ban, it seems obvious that eventually you’d have to question the ban itself.

Interesting how this virus and its effects are demonstrating for Brazil a textbook case of why abortion rights are so important. You’d like to see a nation reach a more enlightened perspective without a terrible human tragedy being the cause, but I guess you take what you can get.

The General’s Daughter is a deeply unpleasant movie. I saw it because I liked the cast, but I hated almost every frame of the film. Makes the entire U.S. military look like a bunch of disgusting, violent perverts.

This same creative team did a lot of good things with the Ray character on Arrow, so I’m optimistic they’ll get it straightened out. It’s hard to establish such a large cast so quickly.

I think Ray has been slightly misused by the scripts so far, and still has a lot of potential. Otherwise, agree completely.

AV Club is good for deep analysis of themes and larger meanings of entertainment, but they often miss the boat on shows and movies that are just pure fun. According to AV Club reviewers and commenters, Jurassic World was the worst movie of the last 30 years, instead of harmless fun.

Great example. Juan Pierre was the player who demonstrated you can hit north of .270 consistently and still be pretty much useless as a player.

Them, or Kirsten Dunst and Mark Ruffalo.

Right, absolutely, I completely agree.


I’ll support your dibs provided you save me a spot in line.

Great, you just reminded me that I used to like Snow Patrol. Now I need to visit my local neighborhood Mind Wiper again ...