Maj. Malfunction

First half: Intercut between Damon and Affleck at the bus station, alternating with Fiorentino and Garofalo at the abortion clinic.

I kinda wanted a whole movie of Garofalo and Fiorentino working at the abortion clinic and being sarcastic and cynical. Fiorentino’s annoyance with the whole movie actually works for the character in those scenes.

So if Doctor Who uses dancing as a euphemism for sex, then there must be an X-Files equivalent we can discern.

They have Ireland in a bank account in Ireland.

Obviously she’s the daughter of IG-88 and Bossk. It’s so obvious.

Hmmm ... so you’re advocating that it be left a mystery? Nah, that’ll never work. I mean, imagine if George had left the force a mystery and never introduced midichlorians? What a travesty that would’ve been.

You’ll have to shoot first.

I’ll wait until it’s released on wax cylinder. And it needs to be the soundtrack to an Atari 2600 or ColecoVision game instead of an iPhone app.

I was under the impression that amyloid plaques were also found with CJD. How do they differentiate between an amyloid plaque caused by CJD vs. one caused by Alzheimer’s?

If he thinks Twitter is bad now, wait five years when all social media interaction is expressed in emoji.

Given Robert’s predilections, it’s amazing that Arryn kept the kingdom mostly running for almost two decades. Great hand, terrible king.

Wait, so if people who aren’t in the bible aren’t real, what am I ... wait a sec .... OH NOOOOooooooooo......

But did Bowie have files on the FBI?

Sooooo ... Eratosthenes was trying to get people turn away from Christianity? In the year 240 BC?

I believe that most priests/pastors/imams/rabbis/etc. are fully cognizant that they are peddling nonsense. But it pays the bills, so why stop now?

At the place and time where I was house hunting, homes were getting snatched up almost immediately after being listed. It was crazy. After having several great houses sold before we could even make an offer, we and our agent were determined not to let it happen again. We looked at a house the day it listed, bid on it

Yeah, my loan was sold to a bank that I despise. Great, now I’m stuck in a 30-year relationship with Welsh Fartgo! Just what I always wanted.

My estimated down payment, according the mortgage company, was something like 5 times more than what I actually paid, so they get it wrong both ways. I had gone through the trouble of pulling money out of a 401(k), and it turned out I had plenty of money in the bank. I was pissssssed.

No matter how you slice it, you’re putting a significant percentage of your future wellbeing in someone else’s hands. There’s no way to feel good about that.

You’re totally right. As much as I enjoy my house, my fiscal situation would be so much better if I’d continued to rent.