Maj. Malfunction

Agreed, the entire article is a pointed spear aimed at Gotham. Still got a chuckle out of it.

No, I think you’re onto something here, keep it going.

Same here. I was a Moffat defender for a long time. If he can end his final season on a high note, I’ll look back fondly on his era, overall.

I’m not sure he’s even running out of steam, he’s just lost sight of what makes Doctor Who ... Doctor Who. He’s still full of great ideas, they’re just not great ideas for this show.

Moffat was my favorite writer under RTD, and there was a lot I liked about the Matt Smith seasons. But he also oversaw some of the worst episodes I’ve ever seen (even including the original run) and I finally had to stop watching midway during the most recent season. And I really like Capaldi as the doctor.

I’d never even heard of the zika virus until about a month ago, and now it’s being pumped up like it’s the next Ebola/SARS/swine flu/West Nile/bird flu/etc.

I’m all for it. Better that than any Andy Dalton vs. Joe Flacco matchup.

We had a serious blizzard in Chicago a couple years ago. People were abandoning vehicles on Lake Shore Drive. I couldn’t get to work for days. It was a nightmare.

I think the Expos, or the St. Louis Browns.

If every woman on earth gained the power to read the mind of any man, whenever she desired, how long would it take until humanity went extinct?

When I started my working life and still lived at home, I would’ve despised anyone who made me deliver food in bad weather, no matter how much they tipped. I didn’t need the money that much.

Anytime someone makes a comprehensive search for Nessie, he/she makes use of a secret portal to travel to Lake Champlain for a bit.

Nope, I’m an online commenter. It doesn’t pay very well ...

I’m hoping they’ll look just like us, but with pointy ears and a strict adherence to logic.

Yes, to prove or disprove this hypothesis, it would be very helpful to demonstrate that extraterrestrial life exists.

I like this plan.

He’s still funny. Hope he starts posting more at the new site.

Check it out!

Looks like I should’ve said “certain segments of Christianity.”

At least, right up to the point when the facehugger latches on ...