Maj. Malfunction

This is why I love science. One person makes assumptions, someone else comes along and questions those assumptions, and then everyone goes and looks for evidence one way or the other!

Based on our own history of close calls, which of course is all the evidence we have to go on, it makes a lot of sense.

If it’s not staring them in the face, a lot of people would deny such discoveries. There are more than a few religions that reject the idea of extraterrestrial life.

There’s a logic to this conjecture that is very appealing. Most forms of life that we’re aware of need special conditions within a certain range to persist in order to proliferate. Even if those initial conditions are met, the proliferation of that life would tend to alter those conditions (not to mention outside

You did something there, and I saw it.

I don’t envy the choices you’re facing. I can only hope that you’re in a position where you do get to make the best choice for your life and future.

Those morons see any outcome as an affirmation of their point of view.

Amazingly, the CBA (minor league basketball) years ago actually had something like this. I believe you accumulated points in the standings based on how many quarters you led, in addition to ultimately winning the game. It was an effort to keep teams playing hard throughout the game. I don’t recall if it was

This is all so needlessly convoluted. The whole point of the Chase is to avoid the scenario where someone has clinched a championship with many races still left in the season, right?

Even the first one was only moderately enjoyable, and the sequels have all been dreck.

It was evident back in the Alias days that the plot holes that bother most people just don’t concern JJ. He’s more interested in emotional truth and hitting certain story beats than in having consistent logic and thorough storytelling.

Wouldn’t you like to know?

You’re seeing the journalism process play out in real-time, publicly. This used to happen behind closed doors, and if, after hours or days of digging, there was no story, then nothing got published.

Deadspin should offer a bounty for anyone who can get an image of Kroenke without his toupee. The image should be acquired by legal means. Since I have no idea what Deadspin’s finances look like, I’m going to say that $18.43 is a fair bounty to offer.

And arm wrestling! And bourbon! In fact, forget the NASCAR and the arm wrestling!

Afterward, I want to see Trump and Palin sit down in a quiet TV studio and take turns interviewing each other. Make it a contest where every statement needs to be a complete sentence – subject, verb, object – and a bipartisan team of fact-checkers will be monitoring every claim. Every assertion that is a falsehood

Now with actual grit!

Snyder is an expert on dumb, so we should take his word for it.

I knew someone years ago who was infected with it but never developed any symptoms. I gather that’s the norm nowadays in the U.S.

Yes, except instead of acquiring overseas territories that span the globe, he’s simply going to decree that the sun never set on the continental U.S.