Maj. Malfunction

Logic breaks down when discussing Carly Fiorina, whose name sounds like a weird Soviet-bloc car from the ’80s.

The business of business is business (making money). The purpose of government is good governance. Those goals can at times be mutually exclusive.

So if all the GOP candidates all made the same deal with crossroads demons to become president, how does that get reconciled? Obviously they don’t get their souls back.

The one HP printer I opened up to explore why it wasn’t working had a blown capacitor. I replaced it with a higher-rated capacitor and it’s worked fine since. Thing is, a capacitor is like a 10-cent part, so cheaping out on it didn’t even save HP that much money.

When will interviewers learn, when you confront a GOP candidate with reality, your interview is going to go poorly. Just stop it, it doesn’t work. It’s like trying to feed filet mignon to a cactus.

I’m just glad that Eli’s brother will finally get a chance to show what he can do in the playoffs.

It’s too bad that Alex Torres will never get to be on a plaque.

I’m not saying I’ll be an accomplice to your crime, all I’m saying is that I have a drivers license, a car, and two gas cans.

This is why we need to ability to draft a president. We need someone who has to be dragged into the White House kicking and screaming against her/his will.

Ted Cruz is what happens when you leave Marco Rubio in cheap plasticware in the back of the fridge too long.

I could see that, and he’d be much more tolerable. I wonder though if some voters would still be biased against closers, even the best of all time.

Yeah, there are some terrible writers in Boston, but I don’t see any of them being petty enough to vote against Jeter. St. Louis writers, though ...

I’m no Jeter fan, but 3,400+ hits and a lifetime .310 batting average is clearly Hall of Fame caliber. His “clutch” reputation is nonsense and his defense was never better than tolerable, but he’s one of the 3 or 4 best hitting shortstops of all time.

Isn’t that a picture of Jeb Bush’s kid, George P. Bush?

I don’t even like any of the teams he pitched for (I actively dislike three of the four) and I still think he should’ve been unanimous.

Aww, it’s a shame they’re not going in at the same time. That would be a fun induction ceremony.

I want it to be because those three were accidentally looking at his father’s stats when they filled out their ballots.

My worry is that Jeter will be the one to go in unanimously. I really wanted Griffey to get it so there’d be no chance for Jeets to claim the honor.

All I know for sure is that Flemish is definitely not a real language. I can’t find phlegm on a map anywhere.

I actually found the psychology and performance of the Oscar Isaac character to be the most compelling part of the movie. The way he can slide between congenial and superior on a dime is fascinating, and somewhat disturbing since I know someone who’s very much like that. Worth watching for his performance alone.