Maj. Malfunction

Did you manage to avoid spoilers?

I don’t know that I commented on its box office prospects, but I did proclaim loudly that I expected it to be a bad movie. I was so, so, so very wrong.

Gone With the Wind also had the advantage that there was no such thing as home video back then. A theatrical re-release was literally the only way to see it again for several decades.

Umm, duh, Hollandaise. Geez.

Thank you, I appreciate your support.

Better yet, price it like this: 141st character is 1 cent, 142nd is 2 cents, 143rd is 4 cents, 144th is 8 cents, 145th is 16 cents, 146th is 32 cents, 147th is 64 cents, 148th is $1.28, 149th is $2.56, 150th is $5.12, 151st is $10.24, 152nd is $20.48, 153rd is $40.96, 154th is $81.92, 155th is $163.84, 156th is

If you really want everyone to shut up about it, you should go meta and turn off comments on this article.

I found myself in a state of almost liking that movie, throughout its running time. And then the [SPOILER!] twist ending was so terrible that it dropped from a solid C+ to a failure.

The NFL had better hope that DePodesta has no signs of the dreaded LOLMets virus remaining in his system. Though the team seemed to finally be clear of it, they did pass it on to the Nationals before coming out of it, where it mutated into the even deadlier LOLNats virus.

Yeah, but if Alderson retires and he winds up as GM, he’d have to answer to the Wilpons, who are garbage people.

CFL guys do great in the NFL, look at Marc Trestman’s run as the Bears’ head coach.

John McDonough went from the Cubs front office to running the Blackhawks, and that worked out fairly well.

It’s entirely possible that they DID hire Jonah Hill and they only think they hired DePodesta.

I think he’s transcended being a jerk and has achieved full-on Dick Cheney status.

He didn’t strike out once, didn’t get caught stealing, committed zero errors, no double plays grounded into. Amazing season.

One is the biggest jerk of his era, and the other is only the second biggest-jerk?

It’s hard work, getting people to read your articles, so I understand the need to walk the fine line of clickbait when it comes to headlines. But this headline is actually false, not just an exaggeration.

Yeah, the movies need to draw in theatergoers who don’t have the time and/or inclination to follow the TV shows.

Subject, verb, object, attribution ... it’s a perfectly cromulent headline.

I guess I’ve been fortunate enough not to experience that.