Maj. Malfunction

True. He must’ve been really desperate for another chance to portray Indy.

Pretty much. It wasn’t even “go sit in the corner,” more like, “go find some other corner, far away from here, and go sit in it.”

There is a difference, though, between garbage you do for a paycheck and then forget (like the one where he was a morning news anchor or something like that) and garbage where fans will be badgering you with questions for the next 20 years. I think for the projects that have a chance to really stick, he’s got higher

Good point about Ford. He and Spielberg really DID NOT like the plot Lucas laid out for Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. They spent years not making it in the hopes they could convince Lucas to give up on the idea. But because they’d always agreed they’d never proceed on an Indy movie unless all three were on board, and

And what’s weird is that if he were to just give all of those folks the credit they deserve, all that glory would be reflected back on him because he made the right calls to hire them. Their success is HIS success.

You’re so right about how possessive he is, and how much it bugs him to hear anyone else get praise for Star Wars. He’s always minimized the contributions of Kasdan, Kirshner and Marquand in the original trilogy, and when he made his prequels he made sure no one like that trio could get in the way of him soaking up

He’s also full a shit a lot of the time. As someone who’s been following his public pronouncements for more than 30 years, I can tell you that he frequently changes his story about:

You are correct across the board on every point.

College hockey is fun, though it’s been a good long while since I’ve seen a game in person. Thanks for the reminder.

Probably can’t do that for safety reasons. BUT, you could issue a token for every extra inning played. Collect enough tokens, and you get a free beer at a future game. If it’s a 19-inning game and you leave after the 13th, you only get 4 tokens, as you’re walking out.

Here’s a novel way to break ties — if the game ends with the score knotted, then both teams get a DOUBLE LOSS. It would incentivize both teams to take wild risks if the game is tied, because it’s better to blow the game and lose than to be tied and get two losses in the standings.

And the umps agree, which is why they’ll tighten or loosen the strike zone at that point, whatever it takes to get out of the park fastest.

Oh man, football players trying to turn a double play. Trying to manage a rundown. Trying to throw out a runner at second. I could keep going.

This is an excellent list, particularly in how it acknowledges that ties are not that bad when compared to most of the methods used to break a tie.

My question is, how did Duck Phillips get the job of leading him past all those cameras?

And his hair is inferior to Mitt’s, to boot.

That’s disgusting.

Sure. An honor that he shares with noted gentleman Eliot Spitzer, among others.

I suppose that’s a good campaign slogan:

And it serves as a de facto prequel to the vastly inferior but more popular “Enemy of the State.”