Maj. Malfunction

“Blessed are the cheesemakers.”

Good point.

Oh you poor thing! How do you cope with that? Bless your heart.

How hard what it be for him to say something like:

And it’s not like he was a one-term governor. He led the state for 12 years.

Well the guy’s name is an insult in the Klingon language, so he lost that demographic right off the bat.

Look at Flaschenpost over there, very low energy response, very low energy. My comment has the most stars on this article, OK? It’s a big, beautiful comment, and it got way more stars than anyone else. But then you’ve got Flaschenpost with words coming out of his/her ears, out of his/her ... wherever. I mean, look at

Inspiration comes from many places, not always conscious.

I’d really enjoy seeing this. I’ll have to hunt it down.

Every sperm is sacred.

I fear you’ll soon have to explain the difference between Gawker the site vs. Gawker the company. That distinction still clouds simple minds.

“Donald, what’s your favorite Bible verse?”

Pataki is not well-liked in N.Y. because he wasn’t conservative enough for the right-wing, but was too conservative for everyone else. Considering the quality of the governors since his time in office, though, I think his reputation may deserve some small revision. Maybe grade him as a D+ instead of a D-.

He must be a clone! Admiral Ackbaar.

Eh, it’s a typo that spellcheck won’t help ewe with. We awl make those kinds of mistakes.

Dang, I read through all the grays hoping to find one crazy person supporting the left picture. I just have a need now to understand what would make a person like that tick.

Can you see the inside of your eyeballs?

Except Indianapolis.

Right!?!?! THIS is where you draw the line?

I get emails from people looking for publicity/PR for whomever they represent, with the standard disclaimer at the bottom: “This email is intended only for its recipients and may not be disseminated in any form ...”