Maj. Malfunction

Scully was supposed to be smiling while investigating eviscerations and heads exploding and child abductions? Obviously I’m biased, but I think that’s a bad reason to dislike the show. Score one point for you over your mom.

I would, but it mercifully stopped about a year ago and I didn’t save any of it.

Tom Baker!

Yeah, you could take the general outlines of the prequels and make a pretty terrific new set of movies. I don’t know that there’s enough story for three movies as it stands, you might have to augment with some additional character development to take the place of pod races/factory hijinks/undersea villages, etc.

The way Kylo says “show me again, grandfather,” makes me think that he was shown an apparition that he mistook for Anakin’s force ghost. That, or in the afterlife Anakin has somehow had another change of heart and he’s now back on the dark side again.

Could also be that the projection is entirely fake and Snoke doesn’t even look like what we see.

Reminds me of the videos I shot with my Motorola Razr back in 2005 or whenever that was.

For several years, up until about a year ago, I used to routinely get spam emails from some kook in Japan desperately seeking someone to publish his rantings about the comfort woman “hoax.” These rants would go on for pages and pages about how there was no real evidence for the whole deal.

Came to the comments looking for a Kirby Delauter mention, was not disappointed.

He doesn’t even know any spells!?!?!?! How could they cast a muggle in the part of a magic-doer? This is cultural appropriation at its worst.

This is what happens when part of their reflex reality-denial fails because a large percentage of their base is currently living that reality.

Refried marzipan and squirrel droppings soufflé Donald Trump.

Fortunately, they always have the Blitzer-Bot 9000 on standby in case of total anchor failure. Except for that one time when the hair was out being dry-cleaned.

Oh, I completely agree that even top-level Hayden Christensen is a below-average actor. And it probably takes a high quality actor’s director to get even his minimal skills to come to life. Just saying that in that one film, the character and the direction suited his limited skill set and made for a compelling

I don’t even know KoTOR and I like what you’re describing. Make him a legitimately good man warped by powers and circumstanced beyond his control. That’s a storyline worth watching.

It’s a lot of column A and a smidge of column B. You’re right that no actor could’ve redeemed that script, but he didn’t cover himself in glory, either. Ewan McGregor had some stinker lines, too, but he managed to salvage something out of it.

Agree, although based on his work in “Shattered Glass,” I think there could’ve been a version of the prequels where Christensen was compelling. You would’ve had to construct the character to play within his range, and I don’t how that would work as a Star Wars movie, but the biggest problem with his performance was

Normally I favor equality between spouses, but in this case I hope you’re in charge of that house.

I walked out of the theater after the first time I saw it actually disliking it. I had it ahead of Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, but that was it. Felt really disappointed, let down.

For sure, if I was one of those shareholders I would be pretty pissed. Also might explain why they’ve had a hard time finding new minority owners.