Maj. Malfunction

Did we just become best friends!?!?!

The reason why all of this is worse news for Apple than for other companies is the perception that Apple may not always be first, but they’re usually best.

Executives in my company like to blame IT whenever anything goes wrong with any Mac hardware. There’s no way Apple would ever ship a faulty product, right?

“Decent players” is the best-case for Cabrera and de Aza. There’s just as good a chance that we’re looking at Cuddyer, Part II and Cuddyer, Part III. Or if you like, Jason Bay, Parts III and IV.

Somehow, with Selig’s approval, the Wilpons were able to roll the debt into their holding company, through which they owns the Mets. So technically it is the company’s debt now, not theirs. One disgusting byproduct of this is that the debt now will stay with the team even if the Wilpons sell.

Yeah, I’m no Cuddyer fan, but he just gifted that money to the Wilpons by retiring. The only benefit to the team is his absence from the lineup.

Yeah, but, you’re a Cubs fan, so you don’t deserve to see your team ever win anything.

Correct. Many low-level team employees (think secretaries, office managers, etc.) who were wiped out by Madoff were only investing in him because the Wilpons pushed it hard with their subordinates. The Wilpons got in on the scheme early enough to make money — off the very employees they were pushing to invest with

If I can be forgiven for focusing on a portion of this essay that really wasn’t the central thrust of it all —

Right there with you. I was a Deadspin/io9 reader mostly, but over time I saw enough cross-posts to notice that there was some interesting work being done at Jezebel. It ain’t perfect, but I can’t name a blog that is.

Now that is a fun way to look at it.

That seems unlikely since he’s the king of voice actors.

Thanks, now the reasoning centers of my brain are irreparably damaged. If I turn into a Trump voter, it’ll be your fault.

That’s where the tazer comes in.

What’s fun is trying to discuss our shared mother-in-law with my brother-in-law. Can’t even use her first name without confusion because there’s an aunt in the picture with the same name. And, sadly, we have to discuss her more than we should because she makes our respective spouses CRAZY (she’s a momzilla).

I think you need to start the preparations now, and make it a recurring event from now until 5/4/18.

Prepare yourself ... to be unprepared!

Sadly, of all the foes vying for the throne, Renly was probably the most likely to be a benevolent ruler. Robb probably would’ve been OK. Stannis would’ve at least had a set of rules to follow, though not a set that I’d want to live under.

Think of it like Capt. Kirk in “The Enemy Within.” Except via Jedi ritual instead of transporter malfunction.

Alternate theory (though I like yours a lot): Snoke is the physical manifestation of Luke’s dark side.