Maj. Malfunction

There’s a “Madonna and child” aspect to this photo that delights me.


You, my friend, have a great skill that needs to be preserved for all time. Preferably in amber.

That’s twisted, using an apparently feminist tactic as a way to reinforce the patriarchy.

When my wife and I first talked about marriage, we both assumed she’d take my name, not for gender reasons but because I’m proud of my family name and she’s embarrassed by hers (and I see that you noted this exact scenario in the story). She has a number of cousins and uncles running around being terrible people,

I feel like every city, village, town, hamlet, ditch and cubbyhole in Pennsylvania belongs on the list. Are you telling me Scranton wouldn’t be insufferable if their low-rookie-league A-minus baseball squad won the IGA Foodliner Cup? Not to mention Pittsburgh, State College, Pa., and yes, Philly.

Boy, you showed him!

A know too many people who text when they should call and call when they should text.

I think this is fine as long as it’s 75% io9 and only 25% Gizmodo. Giz had kind of lost the plot over the past few years. As the name suggests, it used to be a go-to place for reviews and commentary of gizmos. I still enjoy the more general tech and science direction of recent vintage, but it had become a bit

Except they don’t have a plan at all [grumble grumble]

This is all the result of Emanuel having no actual constituency, and his habit of abandoning anyone likely to actually follow him.

Yeah, a lot of language gets included in contracts and “terms and conditions” that ends being actually unenforceable.

Do you also have trouble with users clicking on those “Urgent: Invoice attached!” emails with .exe files? I’ve heard “Doug” and his coworkers complaining about that a few times.

I could see how someone like Duvernay might be concerned that she’s being used by a mega-corporation to paper over all sorts of bad behavior:

We’ve got an IT guy, he’s actually really easygoing, but he’s an older gentleman and not super-competent. Still, if he can help, he will.

And of course the scene would introduce the new silly kids’ characters, Filib Uster, Earm Arks, and Leg Islativemiscon Duct

Sure, it sounds dry, but imagine it scored by the latest John Williams piece, “Duel of the Amendments.” Thrilling.

This is how it works on Gawker Media sites. If you make an honest error, you get replies for days from people pointing it out. But no one calls out the johnny-come-latelies who apparently are too dim to notice that someone already pointed out the mistake, and the transgressor has already conceded the point.

Ohmygosh, he said Star Wars fans can’t read!

I think to many in the mainstream on the right, Cruz is just as objectionable as Trump because he doesn’t make friends. Even if you don’t buy the idea that the Dems and GOP are secretly all on the same team, it is true that they’re much more friendly with each other when the cameras and microphones are off than either