Maj. Malfunction

He’s a great example of what’s wrong with unfettered capitalism. He creates artificial scarcity for his product so that he can extract mass amounts of wealth from the populace, then he spends that wealth on frivolities. He is a net drain on humanity.

I hope it’s a solid hour of fart noises.

It works out to about 85 wins a year. He’s no Casey Stengel, but that’s decent.

The fact that he’s clearly made some serious mistakes on the clubhouse side doesn’t quite equate to him being a cancer. A .526 career winning percentage over the course of 20 seasons doesn’t happen by accident or luck. That’s a pretty big sample size. Clearly he’s brought something to the table. Not enough for me to

There’s long been a narrative that the 2nd-place finisher in each GOP nominating contest is magically award the nod the next go-round (unless there’s an incumbent GOP president running for re-election, of course). That was how a lot of people justified favoring Mitt over Santorum in 2012. Since Santorum finished 2nd

Yeah, I vaguely remember an exercise in high school where we forced ourselves to be aware of the blind spot where the optic nerve connects to the eyeball. That was kinda creepy.

You’d have to imagine that the dolphin’s brain has the ability to filter out some of the noise and provide an even better image. I mean, by the same token, the visual signal rendered by our eyes is not as clear as our brain perceives it to be. There’s a lot of noise that our brains know to ignore.

I wanted to buy into this narrative, but there was the part where he had a “friend” that gave me pause.

Yeah, somebody ... anyone want to volunteer ... anyone?

On the one hand, it’s terrible that a man’s fate is up in the air over such a trivial matter.

Absolutely, a lot of my favorite music was made in the ’80s. But if you were stuck in podunk listening to Top 40 or watching MTV, it was hard to find the good music in the later part of the decade. So grunge would’ve seemed world-changing when it burst onto the scene.

The ambition of Vitalogy is really something to behold, even in the places where it ultimately doesn’t hold up. I have no qualms with anyone who claims it as their favorite, even though it isn’t mine.

I’m glad to see someone else bring up Andrew Wood. Doesn’t this somehow feel like the final tying of a bow on grunge? Yeah, it existed before Andrew Wood, but really his death coincided almost perfectly with the rise to national prominence. Cornell and Vedder endure, but you could pretty much write the definitive book

I think in the late ’80s there was a lot of bad music being pumped through the radio and pimped on MTV, and there was a perception that it was all about the pageantry and not at all about the quality of the music. So grunge was an overreaction, to strip away the pageantry to the point that what you SAW was ugly,

It’s hardly been a secret for the past decade-plus that Weiland had drug issues, and I wouldn’t even call myself an STP fan, though a lot of their music is fine. And still this hit me way harder than I expected.

No gold star, but it does remove one of his dozens and dozens of red x’s. Not so much an accomplishment, more an inadequate, belated attempt to mitigate a career of pandering to morons.

There was about a 5-minute span where Yahoo Sports was a legitimate competitor to About 4-5 years ago, if you wanted to jump online and get the latest sports news with a clean layout and not have to wade through mountains of cross-promotional garbage, Yahoo Sports was the place to do it.

That checks out, you’re good to go.

DO you know lists? Give us a list to prove your bona fides.

Yeah, I thought Juke was seriously underrated on this list.