Maj. Malfunction

If he was a serious dictator, he would’ve taken the shots himself, with members of his security team taking the place of the goalie. Anyone with the insolence to actually stop a shot gets executed on the spot.

I’m guessing they’ll sign Bartolo Colon to a 6 year deal for 175 million or so

Interesting. That does explain why it seemed to so many viewers that it was all about Purgatory. Some traces of that intent must have remained.

Yeah, lying when you know that the release of the film will expose you as a liar is a bad move.

I maintain that they started Lost intending for the island to be purgatory, and when the fans figured that out approximately 6 minutes into the pilot episode, they had to scramble to come up with something else. And spent the next 5-6 years failing to come up with a better idea.

It’s more that a normal transporter has limits, while transwarp breaks the logic of the entire universe.

I’d like to formally ask for Rahm’s resignation. Let’s get an actual Democrat in there next time around.

This is part and parcel of the widespread attitude that if you do ANYTHING wrong in America, you deserve any repercussion that follows. This Puritanical streak goes way beyond sexual mores and encompasses the harshest possible interpretation of what constitutes acceptable punishment.

“There were penalties on all 22 players on the field, many of the players on the sidelines, both head coaches and both ownership groups. We suspect that the penalties will offset and are awaiting a final ruling from the one guy who knows how to work a calculator in the league office.”

Nor read their website.

Left his feet. Excessive celebration. Ban him for 30 games, Roger.

Fortunately, Trump will never be president, so by November 2016 this nonsense will be a mere footnote.

On a second reading, I think you’re correct, but I’d still argue that it COULD be read the other way.

I love how it’s simultaneously a motivational pep talk for his company to treat this movie right and also a kick in the ass to anyone who thinks any excuses will be tolerated.

You just don’t understand. Haven’t you heard all the clamoring for WHY the asteroid wanted to hit Earth in Armageddon? How can we simply accept that it will wipe out all life if we don’t understand its motivations?!?!?!

Doesn’t matter, there’s already a list circulating of all the movies and other properties that might be ripe for a reboot.

It would be poetic for Tom and Eli to face off in one more Super Bowl. It would be the NFL equivalent of Affirmed and Alydar.

It’s like that “Doctor Who” episode, Midnight, where the alien-possessed woman starts out mimicking the Doctor, then progresses to matching him word-for-word before ultimately anticipating what he’s going to say before he says it.

That, and waiting to laugh smugly when Brady wins his 5th ring this year.

Necessary corollaries to the headline: