Maj. Malfunction

Indeed. There’s a fair amount of irony in these folks attempting to be bullies. They would not have fared well at my elementary school.

In a weird way, this story actually says something great about the state of our world – the fact that there are safe spaces where harmless weirdos can engage in their harmless, weird little hobbies is kinda great.

Yeah, but right-wingers are convinced that they know the intent behind that amendment, and their interpretation trumps all others. They’d say the whole point was to protect Christians who want to practice whatever form of Christianity they desire (within reason, of course. The Founders couldn’t have reckoned with

Before you take such an extreme step, you might start by having them wear a symbol of their religion on their clothing, so that everyone can see. But yeah, if that doesn’t work then you might be on to something.

The thing is, even if you’re fascist, you could always be MORE fascist. Just watch a GOP debate to see them jockeying to see who will promise to be the most fascist.

You just helped a lot of people understand what “SMH” stands for. Useful for future Trump posts.

It’s his makeshift version of CYA when he’s about to say something or agree with something so crazy even he knows it’s batshit. There are certain things his base expects him to believe that even this shit-monger knows he can’t say directly, so he adds these mealy-mouthed qualifiers in a lame-ass attempt to preserve

At this rate, the GOP might actually try to run Reagan’s corpse in 2020. By 2024 they’ll be drafting W. to try to get a 3rd term. In 2028 it’ll be Bristol Palin.

Your point (C) is exceptional (not to denigrate A and B, those were good points as well). The best and most reliable way to get useful, actionable intelligence out of a hostile community is to try to engage with that community, understand why they are hostile, and find members of the community who share your desire to

The great thing about S2 is that it leads to the somewhat improved S3, which is followed by the markedly better S4 and then the first season that ascends above “guilty pleasure” status, S5.

I expect you’d have a lot of Herschel’s farm episodes toward the bottom, and probably the CDC and Atlanta hospital episodes, too. “Pretty Much Dead Already” would have to be the only farm episode to make the top 10.

I prefer to think of it as a glitch in the Matrix. Much simpler that way.

G20 is a meeting of world leaders, yes? Would you have that meeting WITHOUT kitties? The only thing I dispute is why security would allow those disgusting human leaders anywhere near the felines.

In 10 years, when io9 publishes the definitive list of every Walking Dead episode, ranked, this will be the one that no one remembers having seen. This show is usually memorable, for better or for worse. This will slot somewhere above the most hated episodes but way below the beloved episodes, in a sort of charred

... and a re-animated pile of vomit beneath it.

There was a time when people who looked like them would’ve whipped people who looked like her just for trying to learn how to read.

Sorry, we had a contest and it turns out you’re not the biggest hater of violent misogynists in the world. You did make the semifinals, though. Better luck next year.

This story is America.

There was a minor brouhaha years ago when the owner of the Yankees called one of his players a “fat, pussy toad.” When his words were written down, people assumed he’d used the profanity of the same spelling (and it still made sense in context) so it was censored in newspapers.

He was absolutely chilling on Burn Notice, which is such a campy, non-serious show that that’s hard to do.