Maj. Malfunction

I pretty much agree with you, hence “theoretically.” The current state of our scientific knowledge makes it seem like colonizing Mars is next to impossible, yet lots of people want to do it. Ironically, as our knowledge increases, our interest in that particular planet may wane. There are probably more interesting

We could colonize Antarctica, if we really wanted to. There’s just no point to it, it’s not a desirable place to colonize.

I can’t believe how many comments I had to read about a bad sci-fi movie before I found one that addressed my questions on the topic. Thank you for being a voice of reason in a wilderness of inanity.

That’s the official, Giants-approved version of what happened. In truth the two Mara brothers in control of the team at the time were squabbling so much that they couldn’t agree on anything and the league had to step in.

In the late 1970s the NFL did step in because the Giants had been a joke for almost 20 years. The league basically commanded Giants ownership to hire George Young as GM and give him cart blanche to run the team as he saw fit.

Not so much this year, but I did well enough last year that there’s still a bit of a halo effect.

I suppose it depends on one’s definition of “career suicide.” I wouldn’t be fired for sitting out the fantasy league, but my prospects for promotion would be quite a bit dimmer. I’m not the only one here who feels this way, I’ve heard similar sentiments from several of my coworkers.

I work in a place where it’s career suicide not to partake in fantasy football. And one’s standing within the pecking order can be affected by the quality of one’s football team (though fortunately job performance does still have some sway). This forced participation, more than anything else, is making me despise

Oooh! What if our universe and the mirror universe were to somehow collapse into a single reality! You could have a war of the Federation vs. the Human Empire. Whatever happens, you can bet the Cardassians will pick the wrong side to ally with.

Maybe it could be like the Walking Dead, where there’d be a lot of deaths, but the most badass members would likely endure for multiple seasons.

I’d be less worried about the premise of the new show and more about the characters.

Yeah, that looks like they took Pine’s eye from a different photo and photoshopped it onto this one.

There are definitely some Reps who are almost never off, and some who disappear if they’re not in the chamber voting. Some of the slackers are fortunate enough to represent districts where gerrymandering, voter indifference, or both, are sufficient to guarantee they’ll be re-elected as many times as they please so

I believe Dr. House said it was from the Latin for “idiot.”

This opens up whole new vistas of fear. Really top notch. I haven’t had this level of pre-anxiety since I learned about exploding head syndrome.

Are you me? Based on your comment, I think you might be me. Because I was going to write pretty much the same thing.

Oh yeah, UPN is huge. All the top shows are on UPN. Just the other day I was watching the 13th season of Firefly on UPN, sponsored by Enron.

But of course a Star Trek show is just the thing to prop up a new channel. Look at how well UPN has fared thanks to Voyager.

How about this: A joint expeditionary team of several dozen ships from the Federation and the Klingon and Romulan Empires is investigating an unusual phenomenon when they’re thrown into a completely foreign galaxy. They can’t tell if they’re on the other side of the universe, far in their own past or far into their

I started imagining the visual of them all fucking off back to whence they came, and my mental picture resembled Monty Python’s Upper Class Twit of the Year competition.