Maj. Malfunction

I gave his first Star Trek a provisional good grade, because it felt like an incomplete story, the first chapter of something bigger. I had concerns but was cautiously optimistic.

And then the entire squad does a choreographed routine of every TD/sack/INT/first down celebration that has drawn a fine in the past 15 years.

Wow, you gave a legit, serious answer. Nice work.

Whoa, a specific date! I know what that means! You want us to send piles of money. Who do I make the check out to?

However hardened she may appear to be, she’s still human. That’s what makes the show worth watching.

Starred for recognition of Melissa McBride. For all the love that Carol gets, what keeps her from being a cartoon is McBride’s performance. Her emotion after the killing ended was visceral and believable. She not a remorseless machine, she’s just been forced to behave like one.

She didn’t. She switched to psychiatry because she was having panic attacks about surgery.

Ah crap, I’ve heard the “Mets are cheap!” complaint so many times I responded reflexively. I can use the “It’s Monday morning” excuse, right?

The Mets are cheap, but that’s not what this is about.

Actually, Daniel Murphy was a mere mortal a week and a half ago. Not sure who this guy is, but he’s not the Daniel Murphy who Mets fans have been dying to get rid of for years.

That really is the best chasm of them all. Not!

When do we each get our own security detail to protect the public from Trump?

Yeah, if you get to the point that you’re good enough that “glue guys” matter, then you should be competent enough to find new ones on an as-needed basis.

This was simply a case of the Wolf-bot 2000’s settings being a little off. They just rebooted him, cleared his cache and everything will be fine going forward. If it happens again they’ll just wipe his memory and reinstall the operating system.

Who are you to criticize Enema Smits? Did you ever rush for 168 yards with a septic graded shoulder? I didn’t think so.

If I recall correctly, it’s specifically the “th” sound from “thick” but not “then.”

There is a point where you can be too early, though. If you show up to a job interview 45 minutes early (I’ve seen it happen!) it can give the appearance that you’re desperate, and thus willing to be underpaid.

OK, but, like, my aunt’s neighbor’s dog-walker had arthritis, and it was totally cured by a homeopathic remedy. How do you explain that?

I think the “Fantastic Four” name is so poisoned now in the public consciousness that the only way to do this would be to have a “Doom” or “Galactus” movie that happens to feature the FF in minor roles. Or have them show up in a GotG film. Kind of the way the Hulk has been rehabilitated in the Avengers films. Only

You have an enlightened perspective, especially for a frozen Soviet sex lizard.