Maj. Malfunction

The sad thing is, there’s an easy answer for a vote you regret:

Too late, you’re Speaker of the House! No take-backs!

How we got conned into it is that this is what they teach us in schools. It takes some serious deprogramming as an adult to learn the truth. Many never get that far.

It’s like the choice between drinking raw sewage or molten lava. One will probably kill you eventually, the other will definitely kill you right now.

Exactly right. THE WHOLE POINT of our government was to invest the legislatures with the most power. And yet we expect our presidents, governors and even mayors to rule by fiat. Thus, we get candidates who like the idea of ruling by fiat.

Kyle Schwarber for Secretary of State, so we can bring hime run derbies to foreign nations!

Perfectly happy as a typical straight guy. I would’ve taken that guess as a compliment, too.

Fails the Gene Siskel test by a significant margin:

Thank you for the compliment, but no, I’m a guy.

Oh lord, I really hope the Caps miss the playoffs by a single point now.

What happens when Schwarber starts clanging baseballs off the planes taking off from O’Hare? Soon the Cubs will need to get FAA clearance for his at-bats.

I’ll buy that The Dark World was somewhat on the fringe of MCU continuity, but the first Thor movie introduced the antagonist for the first Avengers film. It’s essential to the overall series. In a different light, the first Avengers film can also play as “Thor 1.5.”

I can’t wait until this article gets cited on the Rush Limbaugh show as evidence that liberals wants to exterminate 90% of all men.

Just guessing here ... are you a guy?

I don’t think George Clooney movie Leatherheads was very good, but I do think it’s fairly accurate in its portrayal of the early days of pro football as a cabal made up of of scheming, disreputable “businessmen” only one step removed (at most) from loan-sharking or bookmaking.

When I read HamNo’s story about Mets fans earlier today?

The thing is, while it might be appropriate to give the credit to Ike Turner, almost no one really wants to.

Or maybe the Mets could show a higher level of class and never hit him at all. Aspire to be the bigger men.

Steve Urkel.

It does have to come apart, right? If not from this, then something else, and soon.