Maj. Malfunction

Excuuuuuse me, there’s a pretty significant omission on this list. I find it hard to believe that a supposed “sprots” site such as this one could miss something so obvious. There’s a group of men who’ll be taking part in these postseason games who are terribly underappreciated, who are unfairly maligned all over the

Re: “I think we’re getting to the point where people just find facts and reality itself offensive.”

Or Andy Hawkins, or Dave Lapointe.

Why does every negative story out of the Mets org lately involve Harvey?

I’m no Rubio fan, but I thought Trump’s action smacked of racism. There’s a common slur leveled at Hispanics that references sweat, and Trump should know that.

How about, “The LORD has a plan for us all” ?

At least when the Yankees buy a title, their fans enjoy it, or at least care enough to bitch that they didn’t sweep their way through the playoffs.

She could’ve placed the clues when she was a student there in 1963, and then when all the clues are assembled they create a time/space homing beacon that summons her to the spot.

What would be really cool is if it was a stealth way to re-introduce Susan Foreman to the Whoniverse.

20 is a bigger number than it seems. If I had to name 20 relatives I’ve seen in the past year I’d have a hard time with it. I’m sure given enough time I could manage it, but I’d stumble if someone shoved a microphone in my face.

Nor does he have an ear for dialogue or an understanding of character.

Spot on. Every person on Earth has the right to feel sad once in a while, to feel useless, to wail against the futility of it all.

Journalism is a reflection of its audience. Any journalist who defies this will soon have no audience.

A lot of the time, there’s no value in it. Every once in a while, there’s massive value. It’s hard to know which until the interview is actually taking place.

Good point.

Fair enough. I recognize that it’s a tough tightrope to walk.

In all seriousness, and I’m not asking this question as an indictment of the article:

He’ll be so confused when he gets that Gatorade bath. I mean, he’s usually confused anyway, but he’ll be really extra confused. He may even bench Bryce Harper for a game in response.

On this squad, I have to say Slade Heathcott is my favorite name. Definitely would fit in with the 1881 Providence Grays.

Warning to other MLB teams: If you want to inoculate yourself from the LOLvirus, the only known cure is the tears of Wilmer Flores. Dispense liberally in front of a large audience and then trade for Yoenis Cespedes. Also, play a lot of games against a team managed by Matt Williams.