Maj. Malfunction

Important to note: She could’ve gone to Kane’s house with every intention of sleeping with him, and if she changed her mind at the last moment and told him that she didn’t want to, it’s every bit as much rape as if the thought had never crossed her mind.

If he starts now he could have a nice ZZ Top beard by the end of 2016.

I was hoping this was an actual working laptop with a special cat interface. Imagine what Twitter would look like if the kitties came to play.

Are we completely sure that Julio Franco hasn’t picked up a couple at-bats somewhere this season? I feel like we still need to check that every couple of years.

I’m just a goofy person making goofy comments on a goofy website. Extrapolate from what I write at your own risk ...

I have begun screeds like this one when I’m supremely angry about something. But usually the process of writing it out makes me cool off and realize that no good can come from sharing such thoughts.


Well sure, it’s not like insects can carry diseases. I mean aside from West Nile. And malaria. And yellow fever. And lyme disease.

The headline really tells the whole story on this one. The rest of the text is just footnotes.

If this kid was just 5% smarter (enough so as to not get caught in this stupid scheme) he most likely would’ve grown up to be a CEO or head of state.

If you could throw out all the latent and overt racism, classism, and other typical GOP and conservative attitudes from the Trump machine, what you’re left with (aside from Trump’s inflated ego) is one idea:

Used to be one of those militant, angry Giants fans. Then somehow Eli Manning and Tom Coughlin led them to two Super Bowl victories. I’m good now. This team can go without a title for the next 100 years and I’m still pretty much satisfied.

You’re entirely right. There is so much space for character development that the plot periodically grinds to a halt and then lurches ahead without warning. It doesn’t have the elegance of so much of Whedon’s work, where plot and character development are intertwined and work in concert with one another.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Dark City. The Long Kiss Goodnight. Total Recall.

Thus spake the rancid dingus of Arkansas.

Good point. And I expect these events make do with existing venues rather than insisting on new construction.

When I was small, my parents decided to buy NFL pajamas for me and my brother. I got the Giants and have been mostly glad to be a fan of that team ever since.

Is there a realistic scenario where the Olympic Games evolve into something realistic, and not a boondoggle of epic proportions? I’d really like to be able to enjoy watching these athletes perform like I did years ago. I know it’s not their fault, but the knowledge of the massive amounts of money wasted ruins all the

This story will gain traction until the Hall has no choice but to let the family speak.

Good lord, I just visited and it hasn’t changed that much in 15 years ...