
And all the women with high blood pressure or other conditions which make bc pills dangerous. 

One thing Tiffany needs to keep in mind whenever Trump reaches out is the fact that he didn’t want her and went after Marla repeatedly to have an abortion. That, along with well...everything else should serve as a reminder that whatever offers he extends are not worth it, period.

That’s the reason Idina Menzel—a huge star on Broadway but not necessarily a household name TV/Movie actress—got cast in Frozen, and the reason why it paid off a zillion times over.

Hi there. Gamedev SJW here. I play games, make games and earn money by doing it, which I in turn buy games for. Fuck off with your ignorant shit. Please.

Ah, right..”censorship”...the cowards reasoning for accepting and brushing off hate speech.

Cool, that’s one less game I have to play.

It’s a constant on kotaku and its related sites. It’s small but yet another reminder that most of my peers regard my faith as something to be reviled. It’s not their fault, it’s the fault of the charlatans and fucking bigots that infect Christianity, people who have usurped the bible for their own gain by striking

sure, assholes exist in every corner of the world, both ‘christian’ and otherwise.

Naw, that’s literally you. Come from poverty and still manage to care about both humans and dogs, and absolutely would not abuse one. Maybe it’s regional, or cultural, or -al I can’t think of off the top of my head. Not trying to make you feel bad or anything here, just don’t want to be lumped in that.

But it’s not a

I think we do this, react more strongly to an animal being mistreated than a person, because we know that some people really suck. We’ve all been hurt by some human at some point. Deep down, when someone is mistreated we subconsciously want there to be a reason for it, for them to deserve the mistreatment. This is

I dunno. I’m not saying it couldn’t be a possibility, but it’s a big leap to jump straight to that conclusion.

If anything, I’m impressed they haven’t taken some massive lawsuit out against him or similar. Certainly sounds like he was too well informed to be getting his information legitimately, and then using said info to profit on his channel?

Yeah, “investigating” that sure is fucked up. (What)

The snark is there, but like, is it REALLY there? How much of this is the sensitive fee-fees of people who just REALLY want this to be on one store front to save some finger clicks and won’t admit they are fanboys of another product?

What is your justification for the level of hatred spewed at these devs? 

When I hear people are who are “anti-PC”, basically all they’re saying is that “I should be able to say the most vile and grosses things possible, and I should not be called out on it!” News flash people, you absolutely have a right to say nasty things, just like others are allowed to call you a PoS for saying it!

Extra! Extra! Intentionally Offensive Assholes Deplatformed By Platform Owners! “We’ve Been Wronged!” Claim Privileged White Men! More At Eleven!

No one is owed a spot on anyone else’s platform. If the PA guys don’t like their politics (and good for them if they don’t, honestly) then they don’t have to put them on stage.

Bald men are not a historically marginalized group. Furthermore, your example doesn’t involve a stereotype used to justify oppression of the group in question. “Mentally ill people are evil/violent” is a stereotype which has been used to justify poor treatment of the mentally ill.

I'm already drunk and strapped into my Poetry Appreciation Chair