
I’m just glad that in his short time on Earth he warned me about Karen’s potato salad. 

The least we can do is cry. And with those tears we bless a new future of love and appreciation. I’m not crying because he’s gone, I’m crying because he has given us this, and it is overwhelmingly beautiful...

I’m impressed that you knew that the large “M” on the Mach 5 stands for “Mifune Motors” (And on Speed’s Helmet) and that Speed’s last name is not in fact “Racer,” but “Mifune.” A reference to the actor Toshiro Mifune.

Powerful jacks are for jumping chasms, destroyed bridges thing like that. Essential for beating the Car Acrobatic Team. It’s almost like you’ve never watched Speed Racer.

As a history teacher, it’s not a re-examining, it’s a more truthful telling of everything that was already there. It’s not like historians looked at all their books again one day and “oh shit, white people are racist!” The problem lies with a couple generations of Americans who were spoon-fed this American

Looking forward to live sports, but any time I witness a player kneeling during the National Anthem, a sign of great disrespect for our Country and our Flag, the game is over for me!

Nah man, I just like to avoid getting into arguments with people that use the phrase “SJW” unironically. And by pure chance a lot of them flock to the same types of entertainment.

If someone doesn’t want their spam, I’ll have it. It is rich, meaty, and umami tasting. If snobbery is making people avoid this delicious food, then they better take a long look at what that classism is depriving them of. Because Spam is delicious.

No mention of what crimes this person was being pursued for. Murder? Arson? Rape? Jay-walking? What?

Now playing

Okay, so time and technology has moved on a bit, but this must have broken the minds of an entire generation of kids back in 1963.

Hopefully its provenance is a little more...traceable.

CMOT Dibbler calls it Chicken Onna String.

True fact* — CS Lewis had the procedure after a failed encounter with Jane Moore, the 45 year old mother of an army friend who was killed in WWI. The pain of the operation and Moore’s taunting reference to “Mr. Tumescent” ringing in his ears, Lewis hid in a wardrobe for months, leading to the idea of half-man, half

Wells said the officer “was mistaken when it came to the store’s policy prohibiting masks” and it was “the one error” made in the incident.

There’s no dried fruit in soda bread. Especially brown bread like this.

can we just “cancel” Dr. Oz?  Yes, he is legitimately a medical professional (as you say, cardiothoracic surgeon) yet he does nothing but abuse his title promoting nonsense based on stuff that is way out of his area of expertise. 

It’s twue. She was the best.

I don’t think a lot of people realize the constant calculus of carless shopping until they’ve done it. The weight of the groceries, the durability of the items, the bus schedule in terms of how long your groceries will be exposed, the bus schedule in terms of whether the bus in on time...