
Is it just me, or does it seem to have a touch of Barney the Dinosaur in its DNA?

For most people, vitamin supplements may be a scam, but there really are people who do have to take supplements. Me, for instance; there are certain nutrients that my body simply can’t absorb properly.

It figures that Asmongold would stick up for this guy.  Asmongold and his inexplicably devoted followers are a plague on the game.

Any fan of the late great Sir Terry Pratchett would tell you Detritus (yes, capitalized, trust me on this) is anything but garbage.

Seriously?  No, no it isn’t (and I play more than one Blizzard game, WoW Classic included).

Not just WoW Classic, but WoW Retail as well.

Will no one have pity on the Trumplings? It’s not their fault that they are so astoundingly, well, stupid. They are the products of Donald Trump and of various women who thought Donnie Two Scoops would make a good baby daddy. They never had a chance, the poor wee lambs.

Never mind that there’s a multi-state taco chain (Taco John’s) that trademarked Taco Tuesday years (I want to say decades) ago...

Hey, it must be wonderful to just tar an entire faith with one brush. Every religion has practitioners who are oppressive and obnoxious to those who don’t share their precise beliefs — and that goes for atheism, too.  

And white people who aren’t Trump voters know him and hate him for the racist son of a bitch he is.  Apparently, this is a difficult concept for you to grasp.

You gotta love the damage control in that statement they provided to Jezebel. “Oversight” my ass, likewise “not [their] intention”. If this had happened to me, I’d’ve sent their garbage clothes back and demanded a refund.

Might I refer you to a classic (if somewhat problematic these days) novella from 1951 by C.M. Kornbluth called “The Marching Morons”?

There’s not nearly enough duct tape involved in this -- actually, I can’t see any at all in that picture. Red Green would be appalled.

Only from the point of view of those countries that don’t recognize Taiwan as an independent state.

What, people suck because they want to enjoy their own homes and yards?  

He is damned lucky he only burned his arm.  Can’t really tell from the pictures, but it looks like he lost the outer layer of skin, so...second-degree, maybe?  Not fun.  Not fun at all.

Two things: 1) They’re not authentic s’mores unless the marshmallows have been on fire at some point, and 2) Of course they can be made indoors -- our Brownie leader taught us how to make them using the fireplace in her living room (mind you, that was centuries ago).

Are you sure that’s not a still from an episode of Dr Who?

Every state in the Union has been hit by at least one tornado since 1950, including Alaska and Hawaii.

If it were anyone else, I’d be at least mildly surprised that he’d never heard of Xenia, OH, and the devastating tornado that hit there in 1974.  But it’s Trump, so we should be happy he’s heard of tornadoes, I guess?