Another infuriating, stark reminder that abusers don’t fit any specific profile, they’re everywhere. Apologies for apparently being one of the few commenters who don't find this funny.
Another infuriating, stark reminder that abusers don’t fit any specific profile, they’re everywhere. Apologies for apparently being one of the few commenters who don't find this funny.
...Taiwan, which is considered part of China but has its own elected government...
Trying to shame her for these things is ludicrous.
Your list is excellent.
I had a buddy in college who worked in a pizza place and he smelled like pizza constantly, even after taking an aggressive shower scrubbing head to toe. Same thing with clothes after being washed, it lingered.
I’m not seeing how your “one mom and six lesbians” comment is relevant or helpful?
My first thought was “WTF were they thinking?!”
It has to be Iowa. The end.
Is this where we’re at now? Shitting on seemingly decent people because they happen to have lots of money? Because losing a parent isn’t hard or emotional when you have money...amirite?!
If they are the type do carve canyons at 125 mph, watching a video of someone crashing is extremely unlikely to stop them.
Are you fucking kidding me?
If you read the story, you’d understand that many of these restaurants do have a website, and GH is allegedly registering multiple variations of the URL.
You probably shouldn’t share that tidbit about never having heard of USC. It’s very well-known (e.g. had best football program in country for years, multiple national championships, much to my displeasure - talk about corruption) and is probably in the top 25 schools in terms of academic rankings these days. It’s very…
That’s cheating. Oscar Isaac is a Golden Era movie star that an enraged husband shoved into a time machine.
So... more Edison than Tesla?
There’s a massive difference in creating fan art and asking to get credit for your interpretation of that fan art and some rich chode reposting art and FLAT OUT REFUSING to credit the artist especially when he literally has to pay a settlement from doing the same thing to another person.
Most artists in the industry of…
This is the most infuriating thing. The man isn’t stupid, he’s had his hands in creating some impressive stuff. But then he turns around and does the dumbest crap like this.
You believe that the author actually considers this “cool”? Did you read the text of the article? Do you have any comprehension of tone at all?
If you’re a conservative, not rich, and voted Dump, you’re a fool. Seriously. He’s not for you. He doesn’t care about you. In fact he doesn’t give a rat’s rear about you. All he cares about is how much you’ll cheer for him at his creepy wannabe-Nuremberg rallies. That’s it.