
Beyonce should make a post on her social media accounts that she will not tolerate her fans harassing people, in those terms, and not just have her publicist post it through the publicist’s account. I wish all celebrities with rabid fan bases would do this.

My husband comes from a #catsjustneedtoroam background (Europe) - and he almost had me convinced. So we let fully clawed, black Cat out and he didn’t come home and after an hour I didn’t trust it and ran out looking for him.

I guess if you hate puns and comedy legends. 

Tell those orthos to fuck off if they won’t do replacements. I have double replacements, my first when I was 40! It was the right decision. They will last at least 20 years in which time surgical techniques will grow by leaps and bounds and replacing them may not be an ordeal. You deserve to not be in pain today.

Eesh. Everyone alright up that way?

My MIL told me about a tornado that came in off the lake a few decades back (we do get water spouts here pretty regularly, but they die off before they hit shore—usually) that was pretty nasty, but tornadoes in my particular part of OH are vanishingly rare.

I still insisted on a

I moved to the shore of Lake Erie specifically to get the fuck out of tornado country (I used to live just north of the Tennessee border in Kentucky, and tornadoes were a distinct possibility from about the end of January all the way through September or so; I think we had something on the order of 500 unique tornadic

Not really appealing for gay guys then.

I like Pizza Hut. Anybody having a problem with that can line up behind everyone else currently giving me a hard time about liking stuff.  

I don’t know what’s more fucked up... that you repeatedly referred to a woman as a “womb” (especially right fucking now as women’s rights are being systematically stripped until we are walking incubators) or you blamed an abused woman both for her own abuse and the likely horrific murder of her daughter MORE than the

Just to give more color Paypalsboard booted him because the workers were ready to revolt and demanded Thiel be placed in charge. Just how much of an asshole do you have to be that Thiel is a more desirable outcome?

YES. And Theranos invented a magic box to do needle-stick blood tests that they actually sent to a regular lab. And Uber is in the process of inventing...the taxi industry. Why do people believe this BS?


Admittedly, we grow our own, and use my partner’s Nonno’s recipe for our sauce. But for basic tinned tomatos, there’s little difference in flavour - it’s what you as the cook make of them.

It’s only bunk if they enforce it. You can’t assume they will or won’t.

I too was disappointed in the finale’s content because I really expected there would be more penis in it.

I don’t watch it, but I think it’s nice when lots of people are interested and excited about something. It’s fun and it brings people together and it seems like those big cultural moments are increasingly rare.

‘adverse actions’ against an individual or business for their ‘membership in, affiliation with, or contribution, donation or other support to a religious organization.’

A loss for all of us with natural Resting Bitch Faces.  RIP grumpy cat!

I am just so sad about this.  As you can see from my avatar, I even carved a grumpy cat pumpkin one Hallowe’en. Honestly though, I thought she was much older than just 7. I miss her already.